OpenCL library to train deep convolutional networks
- C++
- OpenCL
- Deep convolutional
- (New!) includes Q-learning module (draft)
- (New!) Python wrappers available (draft too :-) )
- convolutional layers
- max-pooling
- normalization layer
- random translations, as in Flexible, High Performance Convolutional Neural Networks for Image Classification
- random patches, as in ImageNet Classification with Deep Convolutional Networks
- multinet, ie Multi-column deep convolutional network, McDnn
- simple command-line network specification, as per notation in Multi-column Deep Neural Networks for Image Classification
- pad-zeros possible for convolutional layer
- various activation functions available:
- tanh
- scaled tanh (1.7519 * tanh(2/3x) )
- linear
- sigmoid
- relu
- softmax
- fully-connected layers
- various loss layers available:
- square loss
- cross-entropy
- multinomial cross-entropy (synonymous with multinomial logistic, etc) </ul> </li>
- Q-learning </ul>
- intend to target 19 x 19 Go boards, eg something similar to Clark and Storkey or Maddison, Huang, Sutskever and Silver
- obtained 36.3% test accuracy, on next move prediction task, using 33.6 million training examples from kgsgo v2 dataset
- commandline used./deepclrun dataset=kgsgoall netdef=32c5{z}-32c5{z}-32c5{z}-32c5{z}-32c5{z}-32c5{z}-500n-361n numepochs=3 learningrate=0.0001
- 3 epochs, 1.5 days per epoch, on an Amazon GPU instance, comprising half an NVidia GRID K520 GPU (about half as powerful as a GTX780)
- obtained 99.5% test accuracy on MNIST, usingnetdef=rt2-8c5{padzeros}-mp2-16c5{padzeros}-mp3-150n-10n numepochs=20 multinet=6 learningrate=0.002
- epoch time 99.8 seconds, using an Amazon GPU instance, ie half an NVidia GRID K520 GPU (since we are learning 6 nets in parallel, so 16.6seconds per epoch per net) </ul> </li> </ul>
Example usage: