包gift提供了一套有用的图像处理过滤器。 纯粹的Go实现,除Go标准库之外没有其它外部的依赖关系。
// 1. Create a new GIFT and add some filters: g := gift.New( gift.Resize(800, 0, gift.LanczosResampling), gift.UnsharpMask(1.0, 1.0, 0.0), ) // 2. Create a new image of the corresponding size. // dst is a new target image, src is the original image dst := image.NewRGBA(g.Bounds(src.Bounds())) // 3. Use Draw func to apply the filters to src and store the result in dst: g.Draw(dst, src)
- Crop(rect image.Rectangle)
- FlipHorizontal()
- FlipVertical()
- Resize(width, height int, resampling Resampling)
- Rotate(angle float32, backgroundColor color.Color, interpolation Interpolation)
- Rotate180()
- Rotate270()
- Rotate90()
- Transpose()
- Transverse()
Adjustments & effects
- Brightness(percentage float32)
- ColorBalance(percentageRed, percentageGreen, percentageBlue float32)
- ColorFunc(fn func(r0, g0, b0, a0 float32) (r, g, b, a float32))
- Colorize(hue, saturation, percentage float32)
- ColorspaceLinearToSRGB()
- ColorspaceSRGBToLinear()
- Contrast(percentage float32)
- Convolution(kernel []float32, normalize, alpha, abs bool, delta float32)
- Gamma(gamma float32)
- GaussianBlur(sigma float32)
- Grayscale()
- Hue(shift float32)
- Invert()
- Maximum(ksize int, disk bool)
- Mean(ksize int, disk bool)
- Median(ksize int, disk bool)
- Minimum(ksize int, disk bool)
- Saturation(percentage float32)
- Sepia(percentage float32)
- Sigmoid(midpoint, factor float32)
- UnsharpMask(sigma, amount, thresold float32) </ul> </li> </ul>
Resize using lanczos resampling
gift.Resize(200, 0, gift.LanczosResampling)
Original image Filtered image Resize using linear resampling
gift.Resize(200, 0, gift.LinearResampling)
Original image Filtered image Crop 90, 90 - 250, 250
gift.Crop(image.Rect(90, 90, 250, 250))
Original image Filtered image Rotate 90 degrees