Patio can be added to an Activity or Fragment using the following XML
<com.andressantibanez.android.patio.Patio android:id="@+id/patio" android:layout_width="match_parent" android:layout_height="wrap_content" app:thumbnailHeight="200dp" app:thumbnailWidth="200dp" app:thumbnailsContainerPadding="10dp" app:thumbnailsContainerBackground="#ddd" app:maxPictures="3" app:thumbnailsMessage="@string/patio_footer" app:actionsTextColor="#333"/>
Patio has certain customizable attributes:
- thumbnailHeight defines the thumbnails height.
- thumbnailWidth defines the thumbnails width.
- thumbnailsContainerPadding defines how much padding will be used for the thumbnails container.
- thumbnailsContainerBackground defines a background color for the thumbnails container.
- maxPictures specifies how many pictures can the user add to the Patio view.
- thumbnailsMessage defines a custom string for the views footer. This string can be used with %1$d and %2$d tokens to add a pictures attached / max pictures message.
- actionsTextColor defines the text color for each action: Take Picture, Attach Picture, Remove Picture, Clear.