WebGL 图形库:Qtek
Qtek是一个图形库用于实现 webgl 3d 和 2d 绘制。它现在还是一个实验版本。
- Scene graph based management of lights, meshes, cameras, materials and shaders
- Basic primitive geometry procedural generate
- Cube, sphere, cylinder, cone, plane
- Phong and lambert buildin shaders which support normal map and environment map
- Physically based shader
- Point, directional, spot light
- Orthographic, perspective camera
- Graph based post processing
- High quality shadow
- PCF or VSM soft shadow
- PSSM for sun light in large scene
- Omni light shadow support </ul> </li>
- Geometory processing like normal and tangent generate
- GPU based skinning
- Support 1D and 2D animation blending with blend tree </ul> </li>
- First person camera control, orbit camera control
- Skybox, skydom
- Particle System
- GPU Picking
- Loader
- three.js model loader
- glTF loader </ul> </li> </ul>
- Timeline based animation, support spline interpolation between keyframes.
- Scene hierarchy
- Mesh, light, camera
- Material, texture
- Skinning
- Animation
- Normal Mapping
- Omnilight Shadow
- Simple material editor
- Image based lighting
- Physically based shading
- Realtime atmosphere scattering
- Variance shadow map
- HDR pipeline
- Bloom
- Eye adaption tone mapping
- Linear space
- FXAA </ul>
FBX2GLTF Converter
Have been updated to the latest glTF specification
Physics Component
2D Component
Feature Projects
Other Examples