2D游戏开发引擎:Torque 2D
Torque 2D是一个非常强大的,灵活的,快速的开源引擎,主要用与2D游戏开发。
Cross Platform Development at Its Best
Torque 2D was developed with OS X, Windows, and iOS devices in mind and works equally well on all the platforms. As with all of our products, Torque 2D includes the complete C++ source code to the engine and many example toys. It also includes access to TorqueScript, our scripting language which allows developers to write the same gameplay logic on Windows or OS X and have it work on the other platforms!
GraphicsTorque 2D's powerful rendering is perfectly suited to achieving a great looking artistic style. Torque 2D's graphics API includes implementations for all types of hardware and operating systems performing on more than 99% of all gamer hardware (Steam Hardware Survey).
BehaviorsTorque 2D allows users to share snippets of code easily using behaviors and modules. Simply create a behavior and send the behavior file to a friend. A number of basic behaviors and toys are included with the engine so that developers have a leg up in development!
ScriptingTorquescript is a fast and easy to use C++ like scripting language that ties all of the various elements of a project together. It supports a large complement of functions including math, object manipulation, fileIO, and more. Torquescript features:
- Object-oriented programming
- Transparent interconnection with external C++ objects
- Built-in fast 2D math (vectors, matrices, and quaternions with all corresponding functions)
- Well-documented standard library (hundreds of functions out-of-the box)
Most game functions can be programmed in Torquescript, and engine additions such as physics or intense AI coded in C++ are called from script.
PhysicsTorque 2D uses Box2D as its physics system. Box2D is an open source C++ engine for simulating rigid bodies in 2D. It is developed by Erin Catto and we have seamlessly integrated it into Torque 2D.
SoundTorque 2D uses the OpenAL sound library by default and supports a wide range of features. These include:
- Stereo, Streaming Sound
- SFX/Music driver
- 2D sound support for panning, volume, Doppler, cones
- Multi-channel prioritized manager