
jopen 12年前

pgModeler 是 PostgreSQL 数据库专用的建模工具,使用 QT 开发,支持 Windows、Linux 和 OS X 平台。使用经典的实体关系图表,包括 PostgreSQL 专门的特性实现。它具有以下特性:


简单和直观的界面,轻松地创建和编辑数据库模型。The pgModeler have forms that highlight fields that must be filled to provide the correct generation of SQL code.




基于Qt框架开发,可以Windows, Linux 和 MacOSX 系统下编译。The build scripts are easily configurable to resolve specifics dependencies on each system.


可以通过插件扩展现有的功能。Need some functionality that does not exist yet? Feel free to implement it. The pgModeler has a plugin development interface that gives access to all classes and functions facilitating the creation of additional feature without make changes to the core code.


Get, modify and redistribute the source code without any charge. The pgModeler has a public repository that allows forks and full access to source code. Developers can create their own versions from the existing code.


Developer or not you can collaborate! Give your feedback with suggestions for improvements, bug reports and much more. Simply become a contributor to the project on Github and let your mark on pgModeler development history. The project needs as many as possible contributors to be improved more quickly!

