建模工具 Modelio
<p><strong>Modelio</strong> 是一个开源的建模工具,支持<strong>UML2</strong>, <strong>BPMN2</strong></p> <p><img style="width:417px;height:413px;" alt="建模工具 Modelio" src="https://simg.open-open.com/show/a5e3b3d59ab1c1c076e37e7d0d993be3.png" /><br /> <br style="font-weight:bold;" /> <span style="font-weight:bold;">主要功能特性:</span></p> <h4 class="opened">UML Modeler</h4> <div style="display:block;" class="acc-block ab0"> Modelio is a first and foremost a modeling environment, supporting a wide range of models and diagrams, and providing model assistance and consistency checking features. </div> <h4 class="opened">BPMN support integrated with UML</h4> <div style="display:block;" class="acc-block ab1"> Modelio combines BPMN support and UML support in one tool, with dedicated diagrams to support business process modeling. </div> <h4 class="opened">Java code generator</h4> <div style="display:block;" class="acc-block ab2"> The Java Designer module uses an RCP/Eclipse-style project file structure, and supports Java code generation and reverse, Javadoc generation and Java automation. </div> <h4 class="opened">XMI import/export</h4> <div style="display:block;" class="acc-block ab3"> Modelio provides an XMI import/export feature that enables you to exchange UML2 models between different tools. </div> <h4 class="opened">HTML model publishing</h4> <div style="display:block;" class="acc-block ab4"> With the HTML Publisher module, publish your models in HTML format. </div> <h4 class="opened">Extension system</h4> <div style="display:block;" class="acc-block ab5"> Modelio can be extended for any language, methodology or modeling technique just by adding modules to your configuration. You can either use existing modules or else develop your own. </div> <h4 class="opened">Scripting language support (Jython)</h4> <div style="display:block;" class="acc-block ab6"> Modelio provides integrated support of the Jython scripting language, for online requests, small scripts and macro definition. </div> <p><br /> <br /> </p> <p><strong>项目主页:</strong><a href="http://www.open-open.com/lib/view/home/1323959319609" target="_blank">http://www.open-open.com/lib/view/home/1323959319609</a></p>