轻量级的HTML5游戏引擎 melonJS

jopen 13年前
     melonJS 是我们过去实验的结果,是一个开放、自由而且使用简单的HTML网页游戏开发包。虽然还有一个大工作正在进行中,melonJS已经可以轻松地创建一些不错的游戏。    <p></p>    <p>melonJS 集成了流行的砖块地图格式,可使用 Tiled map editor 所编辑的地图,你只需要把精力放在游戏本身。</p>    <h2>功能列表:</h2>    <ul>     <li>A fresh and lightweight 2D sprite-based engine</li>     <li>Standalone library (does not rely on anything else, except a HTML5 capable browser)</li>     <li>Compatible with most major browser (Chrome, Safari, Firefox, Opera, IE)</li>     <li>Multiple Audio Channel support</li>     <li>Basic physics and collision mechanisms (to ensure low cpu requirements)</li>     <li>A basic set of Object Entities (to be extended)</li>     <li>Tween effects</li>     <li>Transition effects (state and/or level change)</li>     <li>Manage basic animation</li>     <li>A state manager (to easily manage loading, menu, options or in-game screen state and switch)</li>     <li>Tiled map format version 0.7.x integration for easy level design :      <ul>       <li>uncompressed XML, Base64 and CSV encoded XML tilemap format</li>       <li>Orthogonal tilemap</li>       <li>Multiple layers (multiple background/Foreground layers, collision layer, "Parallax" layer)</li>       <li>Layers Alpha settings</li>       <li>Multiple Tileset support</li>       <li>Tileset Transparency settings</li>       <li>Tiled Object</li>       <li>Dynamic Layer and Object/Group ordering</li>       <li>Dynamic Entity loading (melonJS will instantiate JS object matching the object property name defined in the tilemap)</li>       <li>Solid, Platform, Slope and Breakable Tiles</li>      </ul> </li>     <li>System and bitmap fonts</li>     <li>some basic GUI elements</li>     <li>a customizable loader, etc. . .</li>    </ul>    <p><img alt="轻量级的HTML5游戏引擎 melonJS" src="https://simg.open-open.com/show/25eca195019ff768e9a66df70cc1a875.png" width="600" height="372" /></p>    <p><img alt="轻量级的HTML5游戏引擎 melonJS" src="https://simg.open-open.com/show/a27a05f02e954b404ee1fb68bd30d223.jpg" width="600" height="357" /><br /> <br /> </p>    <p><strong>项目主页:</strong><a href="http://www.open-open.com/lib/view/home/1326599397734" target="_blank">http://www.open-open.com/lib/view/home/1326599397734</a></p>