responsive audio player is the perfect example of jQuery at work. You simply include the plugin codes and
jQuery以其强大的功能和简单的使用成为了前端开发者最喜欢的JS类库,在这里我们分享一组实用的jQuery代码片段,希望大家喜欢! jQuery平滑回到顶端效果 $(document).ready(function()
Break Forms into Smaller Chunks Promin is a jQuery plugin that allows you to break forms into smaller
1. FlipClock.js FlipClock.js is a jQuery plugin which replicates an effect by which to present anything
Camera jQuery Slider Camera slideshow is an open source project, based on Diapo slideshow.You can suggest
setup and works on all modern browsers. Fancy jQuery Box FancyBox is a tool for displaying images
1. Justified Gallery Justified Gallery is a jQuery plugin that allows you to create a high quality
在这篇文章中已经收集了10个最佳的jQuery视频插件,帮助开发人员容易地实现网站播放影片功能。可以显示视频和视频播放列表。 1. Bigvideo.js BigVideo.js 是一个jQuery插件能够,让你很方便将视频作为网站的背景。
20 Best jQuery Parallax Scrolling Tutorials : Parallax Effect Tutorial || Demo Parallax Content Slider
Flat jQuery Price Slider This jQuery price slider to select range of prices which help you vastly in
在这篇文章中我已经收集了10个最好的和实用的jQuery日历插件,能够将这些很酷的日历功能添加到您的网站。 1. CLNDR.js CLNDR.js is a jQuery plugin for creating
英文原文: 25 Best Free jQuery Plugins 随着 jQuery 插件在网站建设过程中的使用率不断的增加,所以有必要跟进时代步伐开发出一些新的插件/代码片段,以此来巩固并提高
在互联网上有成千上万的jQuery插件,但这里将介绍另外20个最好的免费jQuery插件。 Fancy Input This plugin makes it fun to type text
20 个最好的 jQuery Lightbox 插件。 TheZoom Lightbox TheZoom is a premium multi-purpose jQuery lightbox
controller. 2. Timeline Portfolio Timeline is a jQuery plugin specialized in showing a chronological series
DEMO || Read More BrickWork is a reponsive jQuery plugin to create Dynamic layouts Grid Accordion
1. jQuery Portfolio jQuery Portfolio plugin helps you display and organize your portfolio pieces
Parallax Slider With jQuery We will make use of the parallax principle to move different backgrounds
TextExt Plugin for jQuery TextExt is a plugin for jQuery which is designed to provide functionality
jQuery 日期时间选择插件允许您将datepicker功能添加到您的网站,提供更好的用户体验。本文向你推荐 25 个超棒的 jQuery 日期时间选择插件。 走起! 1. jQuery Timer