React工具、资源、视频和实用内容集合:Awesome React 经验

React工具、资源、视频和实用内容集合:Awesome React。 Resources General Resources Tutorials General Tutorials Writing React Components

jopen 2014-10-28   120426   0

大量的R语言框架和学习资源:Awesome R 经验

Packages for literate programming. knitr - Easy dynamic report generation in R. xtable - Export tables

n342 2015-04-29   98346   0

机器学习指南资源集合 经验

A blog about Deep Learning and Data Science in general Colah's Blog - Awesome Neural Networks Blog Alex

jopen 2015-12-16   33953   0

机器学习经典论文/survey合集 经验

, Hassanzadeh, 2009 Chemoinformatics - An Introduction for Computer Scientists , Brown, 2009 Computational

jopen 2015-01-09   42287   0

计算机会议最佳论文整理 经验

Summarization Based on Data Reconstruction 2011 Dynamic Resource Allocation in Conservation Planning Complexity

jopen 2015-01-08   54421   0

有用的网页设计学习资源 资讯

learn to code, this website provides a brief introduction to WordPress, CSS and HTML, even throwing in

jopen 2014-02-18   40017   0

Skflow: Sklearn-Like Interface for TensorFlow for Deep Learning 经验

Library covers variety of needs from linear models to Deep Learning applications like text and image

zqbrvsanohs 2016-02-13   74586   0

深度学习资源集合 经验

in general. Hence, this posts tends to summary contributions in DNNs instead of generative models. For

jopen 2015-05-19   32332   0

12本免费的电子书籍用于机器学习 资讯

advanced techniques within the framework of graphical models, readers get to learn the developing skills as

jopen 2015-05-15   11987   0

10个惊人的JavaScript框架 资讯

gives structure to web applications by providing models with key-value binding and custom events, collections

jopen 2014-06-19   21649   0

前端开发资源大全 经验

Front-end Process - Flat Builds and Automation Introduction Environment Setup & Yeoman Grunt Tasks CSS Framework

jopen 2013-06-22   176596   0

  用UML对复杂实时系统架构建模 文档

constructs Summary 3. The Unified Modeling LanguageA general purpose OO modeling language combines a number

108439162 2011-12-05   2705   0

Awesome Courses:名校计算机科学课程清单 经验

Algorithms CS Theory Introduction to CS Misc Contributing Courses Systems 18-447 Introduction to Computer Architecture

jopen 2015-01-09   51852   0

采用Swift开发的一个高仿微信:TSWeChat 经验

Directory structure interpretation Directory name Introduction Classes Deposite different folders like ViewController

jopen 2016-03-05   55319   0

2014年你应该学习的10种编程语言 资讯 . 2. C Language What it is: A general-purpose, imperative programming language developed

jopen 2014-03-14   24062   0

14个简约的Python Web开发框架 经验

coverage. You can check out this post for a tiny introduction. (might be outdated) Morepath Morepath is

jopen 2014-02-15   46995   0

大量人工智能学习资源 经验

(ridge and lasso); nonlinear models, splines and generalized additive models; tree-based methods, random

jopen 2015-01-30   36305   0

12 本免费的机器学习电子书 资讯

advanced techniques within the framework of graphical models, readers get to learn the developing skills as

jopen 2015-09-08   13601   0

免费英文编程电子书集合 经验

Graphics Programming Black Book Grokking the GIMP Introduction to Modern OpenGL Learning Modern 3D Graphics

pjp 2015-05-11   119910   0

用于你新项目的 10+ 个实用的Javascript库 资讯

supported by Mozilla Labs. Our goal is to create a general-purpose, web standards-based platform for parsing

bgn4 2015-05-05   8654   0
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