
jopen 11年前

1. Javascript FrameworkAngular.JS

Angular JS is the popular javascript framework that extend HTML vocabulary for your application. This framework is more expressive, readable and quick to develop. This presents a very familiar behave to others libraries.


Also see:
Angular Templates
How To Use Filter In Angular.js
Angular.js Two Way Data Binding
Angular.js Promise
Angularjs and Services
Angular Router and UI-Router
Working with Modules in Angular.js
Directive in Angular.js – Part 1
Directive in Angular.js – Part 2

2. Javascript FrameworkBackbone.js

Backbone.js gives structure to web applications by providing models with key-value binding and custom events, collections with a rich API of enumerable functions, views with declarative event handling, and connects it all to your existing API over a RESTful JSON interface.

It is a simple and very lightweight JavaScript library. Backbone follows MVC pattern. The Model contains the interactive data and logic of this data. A model in Backbone.js wrapped the data which makes it easy to perform operations. For instance, we create a new model, deleting, validating and syncing to the server.


Also see:
Templates In Backbone.js
Introduction to Backbone.js
Models in Backbone.js
Underscore Methods in Backbone.js
Backbone Routes and History
Collections in Backbone.js
Understanding view in Backbone.js

3. Javascript FrameworkEmber.js

Ember.js is one of the most useful javascript framework for developing dynamic web application. You can do fast your project with helps of its API.


4. Javascript FramworkSpine.js

Spine.js is a simple and lightweight framework. We can build astonishing javascript MVC applications using the spine.js.


5. Javascript FrameworkCan.js

CanJS is a JavaScript library that makes developing complex applications simple and fast. We can create apps is easy and maintainable.


6. Javascript FrameworkAgility.js

Agility.js is an MVC library for Javascript. We can write more maintainable and reusable browser code, compare to other MVC libraries and developers to write web apps with jQuery.


7. Javascript Framework>Stapes.js

Stapes.js is a lightweight javscript framework. We can create class, custom events and data method with simple procedure.


8. Javascript FrameworkSammy.js

Sammy.js is a small web javascript framework with class. We can easily understand and read the entire API of this framework. Also we can easily extract our own code into reusable plugins.


<9. Javascript FrameworkSnack.js

Snack.js is a small and simple javascript library, what we can use for complex and cross browser web applications.


10. Javacript FrameworkMochikit.js

Mochikit.js takes ideas from Python and Objective-C and adapts them to the world of JavaScript. It is a lightweight javascript framework.
