RhoElements 应用开发工具包,用于开发手机基于浏览器的应用程序。RhoElements 基于摩托罗拉的 WebKit 渲染引擎,可使用最新的 HTML5 和 CSS 标准开发出各种展现丰富的Web应用。


  1. Compliant with HTML5, CSS3 and SVG Tiny 1.2.
  2. Provides intuitive Javascript access to Motorola value add hardware such as barcode scanner and imager.
  3. Includes support for WebSQL and application caching (enables development of offline applications)
  4. Backward compatible with existing PocketBrowser applications
  5. See the release notes for a more detailed list of what is included.


23.3 MB    
Install Package
583 KB
Help File
152 KB
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