PrimeFaces 5.0 最终发布

jopen 11年前

PrimeTek和PrimeFaces团队很高兴地宣布 PrimeFaces的下一代被称为PF 5。经过几个月辛勤工作和奉献,PF5给Java EE提供一个全功能的社区发行版。

PrimeFaces是一个用于提高JSF Web应用程序开发效率的开源类库。


  • UI Components:PrimeFaces UI模块提供了拥有Rich Web用户体验的各种JSF组件。PrimeFaces使用Yahoo UI库做为默认的客户端框架。PrimeFaces提供的JSF组件能够处理JavaScript Rendering和如何在服务器端与JSF集成。PrimeFaces UI组件包括:HtmlEditor、ImageCropper、Dialog、AutoComplete、Flash based Chart等。并支持通过Ajax更新页面。
  • Optimus模块提供简化JSF开发的解决方案。Optimus提供基于Google Guice IOC容器的注释来代替XML配置和一个XML-less Navigation Handler能够让你减少基于XML配置JSF Navigation的需要。此外Optimus还支持利用JPA实现数据持久化;将DataTable的内容导出成Excel与PDF。支持安全扩展。
  • FacesTrace模块提供跟踪JSF Web应用程序的各种工具包括:JSF LifeCycle可视化查看器;性能跟踪器; Log4J适配器;FacesMessage监听器;组件树可视化查看器。

PrimeFaces 5.0 最终发布


Chart components have been working well but there were limitations, new chart API introduces a new generic chart component following a model driven approach. Along the way, we have added a couple of features as well such as Date Axis support and multiple axis.


New components are always expected from a major PF release and 5 is not an exception;

  • DataScroller
  • Cache
  • Spotlight
  • ColumnToggler
  • ContentFlow

Features for Existing Components

Existing components have been enhanced with new features such as;

  • DragDrop based reordering for DataTable
  • Advanced filtering for DataTable
  • Frozen Columns for DataTable
  • Sorting for TreeTable
  • Easy javascript execution on initial page load for RequestContext
  • Filtering for SelectManyMenu and SelectOneListbox
  • ScrollPanel is reimplemented
  • Built-in mask support for calendar.


PF5 provides a powerful exception handler by default, special thanks to Thomas Andraschko for implementing this and his many other contributions for this release.

PrimeFaces Mobile

PrimeFaces Mobile (PFM) is reimplemented from scratch and now merged in PrimeFaces Core.

PrimeFaces 5.0 最终发布

PrimeFaces Mobile (PFM) is a UI Kit to create JSF applications optimized for mobile devices. PFM is built on top of jQuery Mobile, a touch-optimized HTML5 UI framework providing support for various platforms.

In addition to the seamless integration with jQuery Mobile, PFM features a Mobile Renderkit for popular PrimeFaces components, ajax framework extensions, mobile ajax behavior events, integrated navigation model, lazy loading of pages, responsive widgets and more.

PrimeFaces Push

Our partner, the founder of Atmosphere Framework, Async-IO has greatly improved PrimeFaces Push as an outsource contract. PrimeFaces Push 2.0 is based on Atmosphere as its predecessor and follows an annotation based approach this time. Old APIs are deprecated and still supported for backward compatibility. Special thanks to our good friend, founder of Atmosphere and Async-IO, Jeanfrancois Arcand for implementing PrimeFaces Push 2.0. Many framework try to use Atmosphere for Push support however PrimeFaces Push is developed by the creator of Atmosphere.

PrimeFaces 5.0 最终发布

As usual, various components have been improved for keyboard and screenreader accessibility.

PF5 is available at maven central repository, you just need to upgrade your version to 5.0. Visit downloads page for details.

PrimeFaces User Guide is updated to cover 5.0. VDL and API docs are also available online. Please visit documentation page to access all the resources.

Migration Guide
Migrating from PF4 to PF5 should be an easy task, many of the changes are backward compatible with deprecation notices. See the migration guide for more information.

Full Changelog
Detailed changelog is available for the full list of changes.

PrimeFaces Elite has now been initiated for PF5, in two weeks time, we’ll start Elite Support for PF5 with the first 5.0.1 release while 4.0.x Elite support will continue.

New Showcase
A brand new showcase is being worked on, we hope to present it in 2-3 weeks time.

Next major community version would be 5.1 and our plan is to release is it in September 2014 after summer. Focus will be improving the quality and provide responsive design capabilities to the core components. Mobile development has two popular approaches, responsive vs separate page. PFM provides a solution for the separate page approach and with 5.1, PF core is planned to be optimised for responsive design.