Superb Mini Server 2.0.2 发布,基于Slackware的服务器发行

jopen 12年前

Superb Mini Server(SMS)是基于Slackware的服务器发行,它带有网页、域名、动态主机IP地址配置、文件存储、打印和传真服务器,并带有 iptables防火墙、装备了垃圾过滤及病毒扫描功能的邮件服务器、以及BitTorrent工作站。它还带有Webmin,这是一份基于web的管理 工具;它不包含图形化桌面。SMS采用了Slackware的文本模式系统安装程序,它是用来自Slax的Linux-Live脚本创建的,可以作为一张 自启动光盘用于测试目的。
Superb Mini Server 2.0.2 发布,基于Slackware的服务器发行
Superb Mini Server ( SMS) 2.0.2, another minor update of the Slackware-based server distribution, has been released:
" Superb Mini Server version 2.0.2 released (Linux kernel 3.2.35). This is a bug-fix and security release, featuring security enhancements, packages upgrades, new features and the latest 3.2.x branch kernel. In this release we focus, amongst other things, on two recent SMS reviews. We fixed a few bugs in smsconfig and added new features and improvements. Services now force start/stop even if they are disabled, except Sendmail, but beware if services are not enabled they will not auto-start at boot. The same force start/stop feature added in Webmin also. The smsconfig utility also features a backup option, which backs up /etc with xz by date and restores it upon selection by date. SMS 2.0.2 features a secure wizard function to help you secure and optimize your server. "
Read the rest of the release announcement for more details. Download: SMS.Native.CD-2.0.2-Install.iso (692MB, MD5), SMS64.Native.CD-2.0.2-Install.iso (675MB, MD5).