Smoothwall Express 3.1 RC5 发布,一系列的Internet安全产品
Smoothwall是一系列的Internet安全产品,它被设计用来保护你的用户和网络免受外来的攻击。Smoothwall Express基于Linux操作系统。对安全系统而言Linux是一个理想的选择,它是可信赖的、安全的、具有高度可定制性并可免费获得其开放源码。Smoothwall包含一套经过加固的GNU/Linux操作系统,因此,无需再单个地安装其他系统。Smoothwall被设计为易于使用,并通过基于web的图形用户界面来进行配置。它并不要求用户具有Linux方面的知识就能安装和使用。
Neal Murphy has announced the availability of the fifth release candidate for Smoothwall Express 3.1, a Linux-based operating system designed for firewalls and routers: "Smoothwall Express 3.1 fifth release candidate available. A note about previous RCs: if you are running RC1, RC2, RC3, RC4 or an earlier RC5 daily build, you must install RC5 ASAP. OpenSSL had a major bug that could leak data to unauthorized parties. Second, IPv6 was not correctly firewalled before RC4; there's a small chance your UI and/or SSH could be accessed from RED via a link-local address; this bug is present in Roadster, too. This release is a refresh of 3.0's foundation and a culmination of five years of effort that began with the Roadster Test Vehicle. The build system has been thoroughly worked over, and the user interface has been freshened with several presentation improvements." See the full release announcement for a complete changelog. Download (MD5): Express-3.1-rc5-x86_64.iso (206MB).