jopen 10年前
- Python的主机,很难找到和昂贵,而便宜的PHP主机是无处不在。.
- Python不能与HTML混合(需要一个模板库),而PHP可以.
- Python has no proper encapsulation (private keyword), while PHP has.
- Python is hardly used in the real world, while something as big as 非死book is built on PHP.
- Python has a great community, but it is not comparable to PHP’s.
- Python has some books and tutorials, but PHP has way more of them.
- Python没有像PHP那么多的在线著名参考手册。
- Python虽然没有一个陡峭的学习曲线,但PHP仍是更容易学习。
- Python的缩进代码块是容易出错,而PHP使用大括号。
- Python lexical scoping is a mess (‘global’ and ‘nonlocal’ keywords fix this), while PHP behaves as expected.