Ubuntu 12.04.3 发布,

jopen 11年前

Ubuntu 是一份完整的桌面Linux操作系统,它可免费获得,并带有社团及专业的支持。Ubuntu社团按照Ubuntu宣言里所铭记的思想而组建:软件应免费提供,软件工具应能以人们本地语种的形式可用且不牺牲任何功能,人们应拥有定制及改变他们软件的自由,这包括以任何他们认为适宜的方式。Ubuntu是一个古非洲语单词,意指对他人的博爱。Ubuntu 发行将这种博爱之心带到了软件的世界中。
Ubuntu 12.04.3 发布,
Stéphane Graber has announced the release of Ubuntu 12.04.3, an updated set of live and installation images incorporating all security and bug-fix updates since April 2012 when Ubuntu 12.04 was first released. This is a version with an LTS (long-term support) feature, providing security fixes until 2017. From the release announcement:

" The Ubuntu team is pleased to announce the release of Ubuntu 12.04.3 LTS (Long-Term Support) for its Desktop, Server, Cloud, and Core products, as well as other flavours of Ubuntu with long-term support. As with 12.04.2, 12.04.3 contains an updated kernel and X stack for new installations on x86 architectures.</span>"

See also the release notes for link to a change summary and product overview.

: ubuntu-12.04.3-desktop-amd64.iso (708MB, SHA256, torrent).
Quick links to the other official Ubuntu flavours which were also updated to 12.04.3 today: Kubuntu ( download), Xubuntu ( download), Edubuntu ( download, release announcement), Mythbuntu ( download, release announcement) and Ubuntu Studio ( download).