LuninuX OS 12.10 发布,基于Ubuntu的发行

jopen 12年前

LuninuX OS是基于Ubuntu的发行,它被设计为美观、洁净、简单、快捷、稳定。
LuninuX OS 12.10 发布,基于Ubuntu的发行
Emmanuel Appiah has announced the release of LuninuX OS 12.10, an Ubuntu-based distribution with a customised GNOME Shell desktop interface:
" It has been a long long long journey but we have made progress. The task to improve already good quality does not mean stop when it's good enough, it simply means make it better and with the release of LuninuX OS 12.10 'Quite Quail', you will see how much better it has been made. Some of the major changes are Opera as the default web browser with privacy plugins, boxes for virtual machines, OpenJDK and many more. You can download the release on the download page and as an option to purchase a USB/DVD media that will be mailed to you. "
Here is the brief release announcement. Download the live DVD images from SourceForge: LuninuXOS-12.10-Desktop-i386.iso (1,460MB, MD5), LuninuXOS-12.10-Desktop-amd64.iso (1,383MB, MD5). LuninuX OS 12.10 发布,基于Ubuntu的发行