Bodhi Linux 3.1.0 Pre 发布,面向桌面的基于Ubuntu的发行

jopen 9年前

Bodhi Linux是面向桌面的基于Ubuntu的发行,其特色在于优雅及轻量级的Enlightenment窗口管理器。该项目从Enlightenment的软件开发仓库中直接集成并预配置最新的Enlightenment,提供了模块特性、高度的可定制性及主题选择。缺省的Bodhi系统很小巧,仅有的预安装程序是 Midori、Terminology、EFM (Enlightenment File Manager)、ePhoto 及 ePad,而更多的软件可通过一个基于网页的、称为Bodhi软件中心的软件安装工具获取。



Getting back to having releases within their targeted release dates! Because this is the first release to use an early Moksha build I am putting out this “pre-release” disc for folks to help me catch (and fix) rough edges before we call this an official release.

I’ve created a 32bit pre-release disc that you can download from here.

Please give it a spin, live or installed, and let us know what you think either in a comment here or on our user forums. Things to note with this pre-release disc:

  1. Moksha Segfaults the first time you access the menu as a new user. Pressing F1 brings you back to the desktop and then things are perfectly fine. There is some sort of menu cache generation issue that still needs to be figured out. I consider this a medium priority bug that would be nice to resolve before we release, but really it is cosmetic so I won’t be holding the release for it.
  2. The quick start guide hasn’t been touched yet. I am looking for help updating it for this release. If you have some time to spare, please help out
  3. Be sure to verify that your md5sum is good and that you have a valid install media before reporting bugs.