jopen 10年前
Getting Started
Broader Concepts
- This Is Responsive Tagged 'Strategy'
- Which One: Responsive Design, Device Experiences, or RESS?
- Mobile web content adaptation techniques
- Responsiveness Is a Characteristic
- Device Experiences & Responsive Design
- Responsive web design: a project-management perspective
- A Primer on Responsive Design
- Separate Mobile Website Vs. Responsive Website: Presidential Smackdown Edition
- Responsive Design is Not About Screen Sizes Any More
- Design Process in the Responsive Age
- Responsive Design Workflow
- Responsive Summit: Workflow
- Pragmatic Responsive Design
- This Is Responsive Tagged 'Process'
- A Matter Of Workflow
- Responsive Workflow
- Design Process in the Responsive Age
- Sketching A New Mobile Web
- RWD Process Docuements
- Reorganization
- Great Responsive Web Design is a Matter of Process
- An agency workflow for Responsive Web Design
- eClient Relationships and the Multi-Device Web
- Responsive Comping: Obtaining Signoff without Mockups
- Notes on a responsive Guardian redesign
Case Studies
- Impact of Responsive Designs
- Time Magazine
- O'Neill Clothing
- Skinny Ties
- Responsive Design to the Rescue: How HOMAGE Grew Mobile Revenue by 258%
- Regent College
- Adapting To A Responsive Design
- Betting on a fully responsive web application
- How we built the website for responsive.io
- PAWS New England: Adopting a dog from your phone
- Is Responsive Web Design Worth It?
- 14 brands that increased conversion rates via responsive design
- How Walmart.ca’s Responsive Redesign Boost Conversion by 20%
- MTV's Responsive Design Boosts Metrics on Mobile & Beyond
Design Tools
Post-PSD Tools
Pattern Libraries
Visual Editors
Fluid Grids
Grid Tools
- GridSet
- Susy for Compass
- Unsemantic
- Frameless
- Fitgrd
- Gridless Boilerplate
- Golden Grid System
- Gridpak
- Responsive Grid System
- Fluid Baseline Grid
- Responsify
- Columnal
- Semantic Grid System
- 1140 CSS Grid
- BluCSS
- Singularity
- Unit Grid System
- Bourbon Neat
- Bedrock Responsive Grid
- Foldy960
- Responsive Grid System
- Profound Grid
- Hoisin.scss
- cssgrid.co
- Raster.gs
- FlexGrid
- Mueller Grid System
- Jeet
- Minimal Grid
- 34 Grid
Adjusting Layout
Large Screens
JS Layout Tools
Media Queries
Determining Breakpoints
- Determining breakpoints for a responsive design
- The EMs have it: Proportional Media Queries FTW!
- Fanfare for the common breakpoint
- Essential considerations for crafting quality media queries
- Pragmatic Responsive Design
- The In-Between
- There Is No Breakpoint
- Choosing device sizes to support for your responsive designs
- A Simple Device Diagram for Responsive Design Planning
- Device-Agnostic Approach To Responsive Web Design
- Tweakpoints
Vertical Media Queries
- Respond.js
- enquire.js - Awesome Media Queries in JavaScript
- Harvy JS-based media queries
- Relocate DOM Elements and call functions on breakpoints
- OnMediaQuery - Responsive Javascript
- Palm Reader media query detector
- Breakpoints and range rules
- MQtest.io - Tests what dimensions a browser will respond to
- Screenqueri.es - 30 different device presets + custom resolutions.
- Res.js
- Anzeixer
For Unsupported Browsers
Element Queries
- Media Queries Are a Hack
- Element Queries
- Media Queries Are Not The Answer: Element Query Polyfill
- Working Around a Lack of Element Queries
- Thoughts on Media Queries for Elements
- eq.js
- Media Queries Are Not The Answer: Element Query Polyfill
- Use Cases and Requirements for Element Queries
- Use element queries today with eq.js
- Element query experiment by Scott Jehl
- Element Queries, From the Feet Up
Responsive Image Techniques
- PictureFill
- Which Responsive Image Technique Should You Use?
- Responsive Images - In Depth Look at Techniques
- HiSrc
- Responsive Enhance
- Source shuffling - responsive images based on media queries
- Focal Point
- ImageResizer
- ResponsivePresets
- RESTful Imaging API Specification
- Capturing – Improving Performance of the Adaptive Web
- Clown Car Technique
- Addressing The Responsive Images Performance Problem: A Case Study
- Slimmage
- rwd.images.js
Compressive Images
Server-Side Image Solutions
Background Images
Icon Fonts
High Resolution
Bandwidth Detection
CMS Image Solutions
Conditional Loading
- RESS: Responsive Design + Server Side Components
- Getting Started with RESS Tutorial
- RESS: An Evolution of Responsive Web Design
- Templating with Detector & Mustache for RESS
- A Case for RESS
- The Innovation Behind Notre Dame's Homepage
- A Responsive Experience Begins on the Server
- Lightening Your Responsive Website Design With RESS
Viewport Testing
- Responsinator
- Responsivator
- Responsive.is
- Responsive Web Design Testing Tool
- Responsivepx
- Screenqueri.es
- Aptus
- Responsive Design Bookmarklet
- Bricss
- Izilla Media Query Debugger
- Screenfly
- Responsive Roulette
- Fontier for Chrome
- Resolution Test
- Firefox Developer Tools (shortcut CTRL + SHIFT + M)
- Viewport Resizer
- jResize
- Resize My Browser
- Juicer
- ish.
- Responsive Tools
- Am I Responsive
- I Am Mobile
- Responsive Inspector
- Resphrame
- 11h Re-size
- Breakpoint Tester
- Dimensions
- Screenfly
- Viewporter
- Dimensions Toolkit
Device Testing
Testing Resources
Email Design
- Responsive Email Resources
- Responsive Email Patterns
- Responsive Email Design
- Taking Email Campaigns to a Responsive Level
- Email on Mobile Devices
- How to design a responsive HTML email
- From Monitor To Mobile: Optimizing Email Newsletters With CSS
- Responsive HTML Emails: a Different Strategy
- The How-To Guide to Responsive Email Design
- ZURB Ink
- HTML Email Boilerplate
- Responsive Email Design (RED)
- Responsive Email Resources
Further Resources
- Responsive Web Design
- Implementing Responsive Design
- Adaptive Web Design
- Responsive Design Workflow
- Responsible Responsive Design
- Responsive Design (eBook)
- Responsive Web Design with HTML5 and CSS3
- Redesign The Web - The Smashing Book 3
- The Mobile Book
- The Responsive Web
- Designing Web and Mobile Graphics
- Responsive WordPress Theming
- Responsive Design Workflow
- RWD with Wordpress
- Google Web Fundamentals
- Responsive Web Design with Adobe Photoshop
- Creating a Mobile-First Responsive Web Design
- Build a responsive site in a week: designing responsively (part 1)
- Build a responsive site in a week: typography and grids (part 2)
- Build a responsive site in a week: images and video (part 3)
- Build a responsive site in a week: media queries (part 4)
- Build a responsive site in a week: going further (part 5)