psx 0.6.1 发布,创建RESTful APIs的PHP框架
jopen 12年前
PSX是一个用于开发PHP动态网站的框架。PSX 的目标是帮助您开发REST风格的API提供Web标准格式如:JSON, XML, Atom, 和 RSS。它注重于社交网站技术并提供使用和实现OAuth, OpenID, Opengraph, Opensocial, Opensearch, PubSubHubbub, Atom, 和 RSS。
发布说明: 本次发布中包含一些细微的变化。增加一个分行类,能够请求路由到控制器。该控制器现在可以返回的过滤器,可以修改请求或响应,例如来处理身份验证。 The controller proxies unknown get* methods to the DI container. The template engine was improved and wrapper classes were added for Twig and Smarty. The DI container is now compatible with the Symfony DI container. Libraries were added for generatign sitemap and odata XML. The documentation was improved and some smaller bugs were fixed