Ceylon 的第 6 个里程碑进度报告,JVM上的新语言
jopen 12年前
Ceylon语言支持功能强大的类型系统,在设计时它考虑到了以下限制:所有类型在类型系统内部都必须是可表达的(没有特殊的 primitive类型或者复合类型);Ceylon的t通用类型系统要比Java的更简单,而且相比于其他类Java语言,它的安全性更高;甚至元编程(reflection)也必须是类型安全的;另外,Ceylon必须是在JVM上执行,而且可以和Java交互操作。
So it looks like it's time again for me to offer my usual lame excuses for another late milestone release of Ceylon. Well, I suppose all that really matters is: it's coming soon!
Ceylon M6 will be the first feature-complete implementation of the language specification, incorporating the following headline changes:
- new syntax for invoking super-interface members,
- nonempty variadic parameters
with resources,- the
scaling multiplication operator, - "static" member references,
- metamodel and metamodel expressions, and
- annotations.
We have not yet decided if support for serialization will make it into M6.
- 查看更详细内容: http://planet.jboss.org/post/ceylon_m6_progress_report