gThumb 3.0.0 发布,支持 GTK+ 3

fmms 13年前
     <p><strong>gThumb</strong> 是一个GNOME桌面环境下的开源图像浏览器,遵循GPL版权协议。原先基于GQView,设计成为一个简洁的界面。</p>    <p>通过gPhoto,它也能从数码相机中获取数据。</p>    <p>它包含许多基本的图像编辑特性,如旋转,缩放,裁剪,图像增强过滤(如颜色,亮度,对比度调整).</p>    <p>gThumb也包含一些重要的特性,如拷贝,移动,删除,复制图像,打印,放大,格式转换,批量重命名。</p>    <div style="text-align:justify;">     <strong>gThumb 3.0.0 支持 GTK 3 外,还包含如下改进:</strong>    </div>    <p><a name="more"></a></p>    <ul>     <li>High quality zoom for SVG images</li>     <li>Added 'selections' as a more powerful way to select files. Selections aresimilar to catalogs but their content is lost after closing the application. Use Alt-n to add files to selection n, and Control-n to view selection n, for n in the 1..3 interval</li>     <li>Added a tool to import the embedded metadata in the gThumb comment system</li>     <li>Make the 'shrink wrap' command work for the video viewer as well</li>     <li>Image viewer: implemented the checked transparency</li>     <li>Hide/show the file properties pane</li>     <li>Allow to change the position of the file properties in browser mode</li>     <li>Many other minor new features and bug fixes</li>    </ul>    <h2>Install gThumb 3.0.0 in Ubuntu</h2>    <pre class="linux-code"><code>sudo add-apt-repository ppa:webupd8team/gthumb  sudo apt-get update  sudo apt-get install gthumb</code></pre>    <p><br /> <strong>其他发行版可从 <a class="external" href="/misc/goto?guid=4958338121879993685">这里</a> 下载.</strong></p>