pyHIDS 0.4 发布,入侵检测系统

jopen 11年前

pyHIDS 是一个HIDS (基于主机的入侵检测系统) 用于验证系统的完整性。使用RSA签名,以检查其数据库的完整性。警告被写入系统日志,可以通过电子邮件发送给一个用户列表。您可以将定义规则,以指定文件,以定期被检查,。



  • checks the integrity of system's files with a list of rules;
  • checks the output of commands (iptables, ...);
  • uses an RSA signature to check the integrity of its database;
  • alerts are written in the logs of the system;
  • alerts can be sent via email to a list of users;
  • alerts can be sent on IRC channels through the irker IRC client (which should be running as a daemon).
