
jopen 11年前

  Code written by Apple co-founder Steve Woz decades ago - Mailpin

  wozfp1.txt: Floating Point Routines for the 6502 by Roy Rankin and Steve Wozniak

Originally published in the August 1976 issue of Dr. Dobb's Journal, these floating point routines allow 6502 users to perform most of the more popular and desired floating point and transcendental functions, namely: Natural Log, Common Log, Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, Division, and conversions between floating and fixed point numbers.

  wozfp3.txt:Floating Point Implementation in the Apple II by Steve Wozniak

An almost identical set of the above routines appeared in the original manual for the Apple II (the Red Book, January 1978). Documentation for these routines appeared in another book, the Wozpak II, in November 1979.

  * Source: http://6502.org/source/

  * This page is created by sending the code file as an attachment to p@mailp.in -- create a web page with an email


 Dr. Dobb's Journal, August 1976, pages 17-19.            Floating Point Routines for the 6502             by Roy Rankin, Department of Mechanical Engineering,      Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305      (415) 497-1822             and             Steve Wozniak, Apple Computer Company      770 Welch Road, Suite 154      Palo Alto, CA 94304      (415) 326-4248             Editor's Note: Although these routines are for the 6502, it would appear that one could generate equivalent routines for      most of the "traditional" microprocessors, relatively easily,      by following the flow of the algorithms given in the excellent      comments included in the program listing. This is particularly      true of the transcendental functions, which were directly modeled      after well-known and proven algorithms, and for which, the      comments are relatively machine independent.             These floating point routines allow 6502 users to perform      most of the more popular and desired floating point and      transcendental functions, namely:             Natural Log - LOG      Common Log - LOG10      Exponential - EXP      Floating Add - FADD      Floating Subtract - FSUB      Floating Multiply - FMUL      Floating Divide - FDIV      Convert Floating to Fixed - FIX      Convert Fixed to Floating - FLOAT             They presume a four-byte floating point operand consisting of      a one-byte exponent ranging from -128 to +127 and a      24-bit two's complement mantissa between 1.0 and 2.0.            The floating point routines were done by Steve Wozniak,      one of the principals in Apple Computer Company. The      transcendental functions were patterned after those offered by      Hewlett-Packard for their HP2100 minicomputer (with some      modifications), and were done by Roy Rankin, a Ph.D. student      at Stanford University.             There are three error traps; two for overflow, and one for      prohibited logarithm argument. ERROR (1D06) is the error      exit used in the event of a non-positive log argument. OVFLW      (1E3B) is the error exit for overflow occuring during calculation      of e to some power. OVFL (1FE4) is the error exit for      overflow in all of the floating point routines. There is no      trap for underflow; in such cases, the result is set to 0.0.             All routines are called and exited in a uniform manner:      The arguments (s) are placed in the specified floating point      storage locations (for specifics, see the documentation preceeding      each routine in the listing), then a JSR is used to      enter the desired routine. Upon normal completion, the      called routine is exited via a subroutine return instruction (RTS).             Note: The preceeding documentation was written by the Editor, based      on phone conversations with Roy and studying the listing. There is a      high probability that it is correct. However, since it was not written      nor reviewed by the authors of these routines, the preceeding      documentation may contain errors in concept or in detail.      -- JCW, Jr.                    In the Exponent:      00 Represents -128      ...      7F Represents -1 80 Represents 0 81 Represents +1      ...      FF Represents +127                    Exponent Two's Complement Mantissa     SEEEEEEE SM.MMMMMM MMMMMMMM MMMMMMMM      n n+1 n+2 n+3 * JULY 5, 1976 * BASIC FLOATING POINT ROUTINES      * FOR 6502 MICROPROCESSOR      * BY R. RANKIN AND S. WOZNIAK      * * CONSISTING OF:      * NATURAL LOG      * COMMON LOG      * EXPONENTIAL (E**X)      * FLOAT FIX      * FADD FSUB      * FMUL FDIV      * * * FLOATING POINT REPRESENTATION (4-BYTES)      * EXPONENT BYTE 1 * MANTISSA BYTES 2-4 * * MANTISSA: TWO'S COMPLIMENT REPRESENTATION WITH SIGN IN * MSB OF HIGH-ORDER BYTE. MANTISSA IS NORMALIZED WITH AN      * ASSUMED DECIMAL POINT BETWEEN BITS 5 AND 6 OF THE HIGH-ORDER      * BYTE. THUS THE MANTISSA IS IN THE RANGE 1. TO 2. EXCEPT      * WHEN THE NUMBER IS LESS THAN 2**(-128).      * * EXPONENT: THE EXPONENT REPRESENTS POWERS OF TWO. THE      * REPRESENTATION IS 2'S COMPLIMENT EXCEPT THAT THE SIGN * BIT (BIT 7) IS COMPLIMENTED. THIS ALLOWS DIRECT COMPARISON      * OF EXPONENTS FOR SIZE SINCE THEY ARE STORED IN INCREASING      * NUMERICAL SEQUENCE RANGING FROM $00 (-128) TO $FF (+127)      * ($ MEANS NUMBER IS HEXADECIMAL).      * * REPRESENTATION OF DECIMAL NUMBERS: THE PRESENT FLOATING      * POINT REPRESENTATION ALLOWS DECIMAL NUMBERS IN THE APPROXIMATE      * RANGE OF 10**(-38) THROUGH 10**(38) WITH 6 TO 7 SIGNIFICANT      * DIGITS.      * * 0003 ORG 3 SET BASE PAGE ADRESSES      0003 EA SIGN NOP      0004 EA X2 NOP EXPONENT 2 0005 00 00 00 M2 BSS 3 MANTISSA 2 0008 EA X1 NOP EXPONENT 1 0009 00 00 00 M1 BSS 3 MANTISSA 1      000C E BSS 4 SCRATCH      0010 Z BSS 4 0014 T BSS 4 0018 SEXP BSS 4      001C 00 INT BSS 1 *      1D00 ORG $1D00 STARTING LOCATION FOR LOG      * * * NATURAL LOG OF MANT/EXP1 WITH RESULT IN MANT/EXP1      *      1D00 A5 09 LOG LDA M1      1D02 F0 02 BEQ ERROR      1D04 10 01 BPL CONT IF ARG>0 OK      1D06 00 ERROR BRK ERROR ARG<=0 *      1D07 20 1C 1F CONT JSR SWAP MOVE ARG TO EXP/MANT2      1D0A A5 04 LDA X2 HOLD EXPONENT      1D0C A0 80 LDY =$80      1D0E 84 04 STY X2 SET EXPONENT 2 TO 0 ($80)      1D10 49 80 EOR =$80 COMPLIMENT SIGN BIT OF ORIGINAL EXPONENT      1D12 85 0A STA M1+1 SET EXPONENT INTO MANTISSA 1 FOR FLOAT      1D14 A9 00 LDA =0      1D16 85 09 STA M1 CLEAR MSB OF MANTISSA 1      1D18 20 2C 1F JSR FLOAT CONVERT TO FLOATING POINT      1D1B A2 03 LDX =3 4 BYTE TRANSFERS      1D1D B5 04 SEXP1 LDA X2,X      1D1F 95 10 STA Z,X COPY MANTISSA TO Z      1D21 B5 08 LDA X1,X      1D23 95 18 STA SEXP,X SAVE EXPONENT IN SEXP      1D25 BD D1 1D LDA R22,X LOAD EXP/MANT1 WITH SQRT (2)      1D28 95 08 STA X1,X      1D2A CA DEX      1D2B 10 F0 BPL SEXP1      1D2D 20 4A 1F JSR FSUB Z-SQRT (2)      1D30 A2 03 LDX =3 4 BYTE TRANSFER      1D32 B5 08 SAVET LDA X1,X SAVE EXP/MANT1 AS T      1D34 95 14 STA T,X      1D36 B5 10 LDA Z,X LOAD EXP/MANT1 WITH Z      1D38 95 08 STA X1,X      1D3A BD D1 1D LDA R22,X LOAD EXP/MANT2 WITH SQRT (2)      1D3D 95 04 STA X2,X      1D3F CA DEX      1D40 10 F0 BPL SAVET      1D42 20 50 1F JSR FADD Z+SQRT (2)      1D45 A2 03 LDX =3 4 BYTE TRANSFER      1D47 B5 14 TM2 LDA T,X      1D49 95 04 STA X2,X LOAD T INTO EXP/MANT2      1D4B CA DEX      1D4C 10 F9 BPL TM2      1D4E 20 9D 1F JSR FDIV T=(Z-SQRT (2))/(Z+SQRT (2))      1D51 A2 03 LDX =3 4 BYTE TRANSFER      1D53 B5 08 MIT LDA X1,X      1D55 95 14 STA T,X COPY EXP/MANT1 TO T AND      1D57 95 04 STA X2,X LOAD EXP/MANT2 WITH T      1D59 CA DEX      1D5A 10 F7 BPL MIT      1D5C 20 77 1F JSR FMUL T*T      1D5F 20 1C 1F JSR SWAP MOVE T*T TO EXP/MANT2      1D62 A2 03 LDX =3 4 BYTE TRANSFER      1D64 BD E1 1D MIC LDA C,X      1D67 95 08 STA X1,X LOAD EXP/MANT1 WITH C      1D69 CA DEX      1D6A 10 F8 BPL MIC      1D6C 20 4A 1F JSR FSUB T*T-C      1D6F A2 03 LDX =3 4 BYTE TRANSFER      1D71 BD DD 1D M2MB LDA MB,X      1D74 95 04 STA X2,X LOAD EXP/MANT2 WITH MB      1D76 CA DEX      1D77 10 F8 BPL M2MB      1D79 20 9D 1F JSR FDIV MB/(T*T-C)      1D7C A2 03 LDX =3      1D7E BD D9 1D M2A1 LDA A1,X      1D81 95 04 STA X2,X LOAD EXP/MANT2 WITH A1      1D83 CA DEX      1D84 10 F8 BPL M2A1      1D86 20 50 1F JSR FADD MB/(T*T-C)+A1      1D89 A2 03 LDX =3 4 BYTE TRANSFER      1D8B B5 14 M2T LDA T,X      1D8D 95 04 STA X2,X LOAD EXP/MANT2 WITH T      1D8F CA DEX      1D90 10 F9 BPL M2T      1D92 20 77 1F JSR FMUL (MB/(T*T-C) +A1)*T      1D95 A2 03 LDX =3 4 BYTE TRANSFER      1D97 BD E5 1D M2MHL LDA MHLF,X      1D9A 95 04 STA X2,X LOAD EXP/MANT2 WITH MHLF (.5)      1D9C CA DEX      1D9D 10 F8 BPL M2MHL      1D9F 20 50 1F JSR FADD +.5      1DA2 A2 03 LDX =3 4 BYTE TRANSFER      1DA4 B5 18 LDEXP LDA SEXP,X      1DA6 95 04 STA X2,X LOAD EXP/MANT2 WITH ORIGINAL EXPONENT      1DA8 CA DEX      1DA9 10 F9 BPL LDEXP      1DAB 20 50 1F JSR FADD +EXPN      1DAE A2 03 LDX =3 4 BYTE TRANSFER      1DB0 BD D5 1D MLE2 LDA LE2,X      1DB3 95 04 STA X2,X LOAD EXP/MANT2 WITH LN (2)      1DB5 CA DEX      1DB6 10 F8 BPL MLE2      1DB8 20 77 1F JSR FMUL *LN (2)      1DBB 60 RTS RETURN RESULT IN MANT/EXP1      * * COMMON LOG OF MANT/EXP1 RESULT IN MANT/EXP1      *      1DBC 20 00 1D LOG10 JSR LOG COMPUTE NATURAL LOG      1DBF A2 03 LDX =3      1DC1 BD CD 1D L10 LDA LN10,X      1DC4 95 04 STA X2,X LOAD EXP/MANT2 WITH 1/LN (10)      1DC6 CA DEX      1DC7 10 F8 BPL L10      1DC9 20 77 1F JSR FMUL LOG10(X)=LN (X)/LN (10)      1DCC 60 RTS      *      1DCD 7E 6F LN10 DCM 0.4342945      2D ED      1DD1 80 5A R22 DCM 1.4142136 SQRT (2)      02 7A      1DD5 7F 58 LE2 DCM 0.69314718 LOG BASE E OF 2      B9 0C      1DD9 80 52 A1 DCM 1.2920074 80 40      1DDD 81 AB MB DCM -2.6398577 86 49      1DE1 80 6A C DCM 1.6567626 08 66      1DE5 7F 40 MHLF DCM 0.5 00 00 *      1E00 ORG $1E00 STARTING LOCATION FOR EXP      * * EXP OF MANT/EXP1 RESULT IN MANT/EXP1      *      1E00 A2 03 EXP LDX =3 4 BYTE TRANSFER      1E02 BD D8 1E LDA L2E,X      1E05 95 04 STA X2,X LOAD EXP/MANT2 WITH LOG BASE 2 OF E      1E07 CA DEX      1E08 10 F8 BPL EXP+2      1E0A 20 77 1F JSR FMUL LOG2(3)*X      1E0D A2 03 LDX =3 4 BYTE TRANSFER      1E0F B5 08 FSA LDA X1,X      1E11 95 10 STA Z,X STORE EXP/MANT1 IN Z      1E13 CA DEX      1E14 10 F9 BPL FSA SAVE Z=LN (2)*X      1E16 20 E8 1F JSR FIX CONVERT CONTENTS OF EXP/MANT1 TO AN INTEGER      1E19 A5 0A LDA M1+1      1E1B 85 1C STA INT SAVE RESULT AS INT      1E1D 38 SEC SET CARRY FOR SUBTRACTION      1E1E E9 7C SBC =124 INT-124      1E20 A5 09 LDA M1      1E22 E9 00 SBC =0      1E24 10 15 BPL OVFLW OVERFLOW INT>=124      1E26 18 CLC CLEAR CARRY FOR ADD      1E27 A5 0A LDA M1+1      1E29 69 78 ADC =120 ADD 120 TO INT      1E2B A5 09 LDA M1      1E2D 69 00 ADC =0 1E2F 10 0B BPL CONTIN IF RESULT POSITIVE CONTINUE      1E31 A9 00 LDA =0 INT<-120 SET RESULT TO ZERO AND RETURN      1E33 A2 03 LDX =3 4 BYTE MOVE      1E35 95 08 ZERO STA X1,X SET EXP/MANT1 TO ZERO      1E37 CA DEX      1E38 10 FB BPL ZERO      1E3A 60 RTS RETURN      *      1E3B 00 OVFLW BRK OVERFLOW      *      1E3C 20 2C 1F CONTIN JSR FLOAT FLOAT INT      1E3F A2 03 LDX =3      1E41 B5 10 ENTD LDA Z,X      1E43 95 04 STA X2,X LOAD EXP/MANT2 WITH Z      1E45 CA DEX      1E46 10 F9 BPL ENTD      1E48 20 4A 1F JSR FSUB Z*Z-FLOAT (INT)      1E4B A2 03 LDX =3 4 BYTE MOVE      1E4D B5 08 ZSAV LDA X1,X      1E4F 95 10 STA Z,X SAVE EXP/MANT1 IN Z      1E51 95 04 STA X2,X COPY EXP/MANT1 TO EXP/MANT2      1E53 CA DEX      1E54 10 F7 BPL ZSAV      1E56 20 77 1F JSR FMUL Z*Z      1E59 A2 03 LDX =3 4 BYTE MOVE      1E5B BD DC 1E LA2 LDA A2,X      1E5E 95 04 STA X2,X LOAD EXP/MANT2 WITH A2      1E60 B5 08 LDA X1,X      1E62 95 18 STA SEXP,X SAVE EXP/MANT1 AS SEXP      1E64 CA DEX      1E65 10 F4 BPL LA2      1E67 20 50 1F JSR FADD Z*Z+A2      1E6A A2 03 LDX =3 4 BYTE MOVE      1E6C BD E0 1E LB2 LDA B2,X      1E6F 95 04 STA X2,X LOAD EXP/MANT2 WITH B2      1E71 CA DEX      1E72 10 F8 BPL LB2      1E74 20 9D 1F JSR FDIV T=B/(Z*Z+A2)      1E77 A2 03 LDX =3 4 BYTE MOVE      1E79 B5 08 DLOAD LDA X1,X      1E7B 95 14 STA T,X SAVE EXP/MANT1 AS T      1E7D BD E4 1E LDA C2,X      1E80 95 08 STA X1,X LOAD EXP/MANT1 WITH C2      1E82 B5 18 LDA SEXP,X      1E84 95 04 STA X2,X LOAD EXP/MANT2 WITH SEXP      1E86 CA DEX      1E87 10 F0 BPL DLOAD      1E89 20 77 1F JSR FMUL Z*Z*C2      1E8C 20 1C 1F JSR SWAP MOVE EXP/MANT1 TO EXP/MANT2      1E8F A2 03 LDX =3 4 BYTE TRANSFER      1E91 B5 14 LTMP LDA T,X      1E93 95 08 STA X1,X LOAD EXP/MANT1 WITH T      1E95 CA DEX      1E96 10 F9 BPL LTMP      1E98 20 4A 1F JSR FSUB C2*Z*Z-B2/(Z*Z+A2)      1E9B A2 03 LDX =3 4 BYTE TRANSFER      1E9D BD E8 1E LDD LDA D,X      1EA0 95 04 STA X2,X LOAD EXP/MANT2 WITH D      1EA2 CA DEX      1EA3 10 F8 BPL LDD      1EA5 20 50 1F JSR FADD D+C2*Z*Z-B2/(Z*Z+A2)      1EA8 20 1C 1F JSR SWAP MOVE EXP/MANT1 TO EXP/MANT2      1EAB A2 03 LDX =3 4 BYTE TRANSFER      1EAD B5 10 LFA LDA Z,X      1EAF 95 08 STA X1,X LOAD EXP/MANT1 WITH Z      1EB1 CA DEX      1EB2 10 F9 BPL LFA      1EB4 20 4A 1F JSR FSUB -Z+D+C2*Z*Z-B2/(Z*Z+A2)      1EB7 A2 03 LDX =3 4 BYTE TRANSFER      1EB9 B5 10 LF3 LDA Z,X      1EBB 95 04 STA X2,X LOAD EXP/MANT2 WITH Z      1EBD CA DEX      1EBE 10 F9 BPL LF3      1EC0 20 9D 1F JSR FDIV Z/(**** )      1EC3 A2 03 LDX =3 4 BYTE TRANSFER      1EC5 BD E5 1D LD12 LDA MHLF,X      1EC8 95 04 STA X2,X LOAD EXP/MANT2 WITH .5      1ECA CA DEX      1ECB 10 F8 BPL LD12      1ECD 20 50 1F JSR FADD +Z/(***)+.5      1ED0 38 SEC ADD INT TO EXPONENT WITH CARRY SET      1ED1 A5 1C LDA INT TO MULTIPLY BY      1ED3 65 08 ADC X1 2**(INT+1)      1ED5 85 08 STA X1 RETURN RESULT TO EXPONENT      1ED7 60 RTS RETURN ANS=(.5+Z/(-Z+D+C2*Z*Z-B2/(Z*Z+A2))*2**(INT+1)      1ED8 80 5C L2E DCM 1.4426950409 LOG BASE 2 OF E      55 1E      1EDC 86 57 A2 DCM 87.417497202      6A E1      1EE0 89 4D B2 DCM 617.9722695      3F 1D      1EE4 7B 46 C2 DCM .03465735903      FA 70      1EE8 83 4F D DCM 9.9545957821      A3 03 * * * BASIC FLOATING POINT ROUTINES      *      1F00 ORG $1F00 START OF BASIC FLOATING POINT ROUTINES      1F00 18 ADD CLC CLEAR CARRY      1F01 A2 02 LDX =$02 INDEX FOR 3-BYTE ADD      1F03 B5 09 ADD1 LDA M1,X      1F05 75 05 ADC M2,X ADD A BYTE OF MANT2 TO MANT1      1F07 95 09 STA M1,X      1F09 CA DEX ADVANCE INDEX TO NEXT MORE SIGNIF.BYTE      1F0A 10 F7 BPL ADD1 LOOP UNTIL DONE.      1F0C 60 RTS RETURN      1F0D 06 03 MD1 ASL SIGN CLEAR LSB OF SIGN      1F0F 20 12 1F JSR ABSWAP ABS VAL OF MANT1, THEN SWAP MANT2      1F12 24 09 ABSWAP BIT M1 MANT1 NEG?      1F14 10 05 BPL ABSWP1 NO,SWAP WITH MANT2 AND RETURN      1F16 20 8F 1F JSR FCOMPL YES, COMPLIMENT IT.      1F19 E6 03 INC SIGN INCR SIGN, COMPLEMENTING LSB      1F1B 38 ABSWP1 SEC SET CARRY FOR RETURN TO MUL/DIV      * * SWAP EXP/MANT1 WITH EXP/MANT2      *      1F1C A2 04 SWAP LDX =$04 INDEX FOR 4-BYTE SWAP.      1F1E 94 0B SWAP1 STY E-1,X      1F20 B5 07 LDA X1-1,X SWAP A BYTE OF EXP/MANT1 WITH      1F22 B4 03 LDY X2-1,X EXP/MANT2 AND LEAVEA COPY OF      1F24 94 07 STY X1-1,X MANT1 IN E (3BYTES). E+3 USED.      1F26 95 03 STA X2-1,X      1F28 CA DEX ADVANCE INDEX TO NEXT BYTE      1F29 D0 F3 BNE SWAP1 LOOP UNTIL DONE.      1F2B 60 RTS      * * * * CONVERT 16 BIT INTEGER IN M1(HIGH) AND M1+1(LOW) TO F.P.      * RESULT IN EXP/MANT1. EXP/MANT2 UNEFFECTED      * *      1F2C A9 8E FLOAT LDA =$8E      1F2E 85 08 STA X1 SET EXPN TO 14 DEC      1F30 A9 00 LDA =0 CLEAR LOW ORDER BYTE      1F32 85 0B STA M1+2      1F34 F0 08 BEQ NORM NORMALIZE RESULT      1F36 C6 08 NORM1 DEC X1 DECREMENT EXP1      1F38 06 0B ASL M1+2      1F3A 26 0A ROL M1+1 SHIFT MANT1 (3 BYTES) LEFT      1F3C 26 09 ROL M1      1F3E A5 09 NORM LDA M1 HIGH ORDER MANT1 BYTE      1F40 0A ASL UPPER TWO BITS UNEQUAL?      1F41 45 09 EOR M1      1F43 30 04 BMI RTS1 YES,RETURN WITH MANT1 NORMALIZED      1F45 A5 08 LDA X1 EXP1 ZERO?      1F47 D0 ED BNE NORM1 NO, CONTINUE NORMALIZING      1F49 60 RTS1 RTS RETURN      * * * EXP/MANT2-EXP/MANT1 RESULT IN EXP/MANT1      *      1F4A 20 8F 1F FSUB JSR FCOMPL CMPL MANT1 CLEARS CARRY UNLESS ZERO      1F4D 20 5D 1F SWPALG JSR ALGNSW RIGHT SHIFT MANT1 OR SWAP WITH MANT2 ON CARRY      * * ADD EXP/MANT1 AND EXP/MANT2 RESULT IN EXP/MANT1      *      1F50 A5 04 FADD LDA X2      1F52 C5 08 CMP X1 COMPARE EXP1 WITH EXP2      1F54 D0 F7 BNE SWPALG IF UNEQUAL, SWAP ADDENDS OR ALIGN MANTISSAS      1F56 20 00 1F JSR ADD ADD ALIGNED MANTISSAS      1F59 50 E3 ADDEND BVC NORM NO OVERFLOW, NORMALIZE RESULTS      1F5B 70 05 BVS RTLOG OV: SHIFT MANT1 RIGHT. NOTE CARRY IS CORRECT SIGN      1F5D 90 BD ALGNSW BCC SWAP SWAP IF CARRY CLEAR, ELSE SHIFT RIGHT ARITH.      1F5F A5 09 RTAR LDA M1 SIGN OF MANT1 INTO CARRY FOR      1F61 0A ASL RIGHT ARITH SHIFT      1F62 E6 08 RTLOG INC X1 INCR EXP1 TO COMPENSATE FOR RT SHIFT      1F64 F0 7E BEQ OVFL EXP1 OUT OF RANGE.      1F66 A2 FA RTLOG1 LDX =$FA INDEX FOR 6 BYTE RIGHT SHIFT      1F68 A9 80 ROR1 LDA =$80      1F6A B0 01 BCS ROR2      1F6C 0A ASL      1F6D 56 0F ROR2 LSR E+3,X SIMULATE ROR E+3,X      1F6F 15 0F ORA E+3,X      1F71 95 0F STA E+3,X      1F73 E8 INX NEXT BYTE OF SHIFT      1F74 D0 F2 BNE ROR1 LOOP UNTIL DONE      1F76 60 RTS RETURN      * * * EXP/MANT1 X EXP/MANT2 RESULT IN EXP/MANT1      *      1F77 20 0D 1F FMUL JSR MD1 ABS. VAL OF MANT1, MANT2      1F7A 65 08 ADC X1 ADD EXP1 TO EXP2 FOR PRODUCT EXPONENT      1F7C 20 CD 1F JSR MD2 CHECK PRODUCT EXP AND PREPARE FOR MUL      1F7F 18 CLC CLEAR CARRY      1F80 20 66 1F MUL1 JSR RTLOG1 MANT1 AND E RIGHT.(PRODUCT AND MPLIER)      1F83 90 03 BCC MUL2 IF CARRY CLEAR, SKIP PARTIAL PRODUCT      1F85 20 00 1F JSR ADD ADD MULTIPLICAN TO PRODUCT      1F88 88 MUL2 DEY NEXT MUL ITERATION      1F89 10 F5 BPL MUL1 LOOP UNTIL DONE      1F8B 46 03 MDEND LSR SIGN TEST SIGN (EVEN/ODD)      1F8D 90 AF NORMX BCC NORM IF EXEN, NORMALIZE PRODUCT, ELSE COMPLEMENT      1F8F 38 FCOMPL SEC SET CARRY FOR SUBTRACT      1F90 A2 03 LDX =$03 INDEX FOR 3 BYTE SUBTRACTION      1F92 A9 00 COMPL1 LDA =$00 CLEAR A      1F94 F5 08 SBC X1,X SUBTRACT BYTE OF EXP1      1F96 95 08 STA X1,X RESTORE IT      1F98 CA DEX NEXT MORE SIGNIFICANT BYTE      1F99 D0 F7 BNE COMPL1 LOOP UNTIL DONE      1F9B F0 BC BEQ ADDEND NORMALIZE (OR SHIFT RIGHT IF OVERFLOW)      * * * EXP/MANT2 / EXP/MANT1 RESULT IN EXP/MANT1      *      1F9D 20 0D 1F FDIV JSR MD1 TAKE ABS VAL OF MANT1, MANT2      1FA0 E5 08 SBC X1 SUBTRACT EXP1 FROM EXP2      1FA2 20 CD 1F JSR MD2 SAVE AS QUOTIENT EXP      1FA5 38 DIV1 SEC SET CARRY FOR SUBTRACT      1FA6 A2 02 LDX =$02 INDEX FOR 3-BYTE INSTRUCTION      1FA8 B5 05 DIV2 LDA M2,X      1FAA F5 0C SBC E,X SUBTRACT A BYTE OF E FROM MANT2      1FAC 48 PHA SAVE ON STACK      1FAD CA DEX NEXT MORE SIGNIF BYTE      1FAE 10 F8 BPL DIV2 LOOP UNTIL DONE      1FB0 A2 FD LDX =$FD INDEX FOR 3-BYTE CONDITIONAL MOVE      1FB2 68 DIV3 PLA PULL A BYTE OF DIFFERENCE OFF STACK      1FB3 90 02 BCC DIV4 IF MANT2<E THEN DONT RESTORE MANT2      1FB5 95 08 STA M2+3,X      1FB7 E8 DIV4 INX NEXT LESS SIGNIF BYTE      1FB8 D0 F8 BNE DIV3 LOOP UNTIL DONE      1FBA 26 0B ROL M1+2      1FBC 26 0A ROL M1+1 ROLL QUOTIENT LEFT, CARRY INTO LSB      1FBE 26 09 ROL M1      1FC0 06 07 ASL M2+2      1FC2 26 06 ROL M2+1 SHIFT DIVIDEND LEFT      1FC4 26 05 ROL M2      1FC6 B0 1C BCS OVFL OVERFLOW IS DUE TO UNNORMALIZED DIVISOR      1FC8 88 DEY NEXT DIVIDE ITERATION      1FC9 D0 DA BNE DIV1 LOOP UNTIL DONE 23 ITERATIONS      1FCB F0 BE BEQ MDEND NORMALIZE QUOTIENT AND CORRECT SIGN      1FCD 86 0B MD2 STX M1+2      1FCF 86 0A STX M1+1 CLR MANT1 (3 BYTES) FOR MUL/DIV      1FD1 86 09 STX M1      1FD3 B0 0D BCS OVCHK IF EXP CALC SET CARRY, CHECK FOR OVFL      1FD5 30 04 BMI MD3 IF NEG NO UNDERFLOW      1FD7 68 PLA POP ONE      1FD8 68 PLA RETURN LEVEL      1FD9 90 B2 BCC NORMX CLEAR X1 AND RETURN      1FDB 49 80 MD3 EOR =$80 COMPLIMENT SIGN BIT OF EXP      1FDD 85 08 STA X1 STORE IT      1FDF A0 17 LDY =$17 COUNT FOR 24 MUL OR 23 DIV ITERATIONS      1FE1 60 RTS RETURN      1FE2 10 F7 OVCHK BPL MD3 IF POS EXP THEN NO OVERFLOW      1FE4 00 OVFL BRK      * * * CONVERT EXP/MANT1 TO INTEGER IN M1 (HIGH) AND M1+1(LOW)      * EXP/MANT2 UNEFFECTED      *      1FE5 20 5F 1F JSR RTAR SHIFT MANT1 RT AND INCREMENT EXPNT      1FE8 A5 08 FIX LDA X1 CHECK EXPONENT      1FEA C9 8E CMP =$8E IS EXPONENT 14?      1FEC D0 F7 BNE FIX-3 NO, SHIFT      1FEE 60 RTRN RTS RETURN      END      wozfp3.txt:    Woz 6502 Floating Point Routines             Apple II Reference Manual (Red Book), January 1978, pages 94-95.             *********************** * * * APPLE-II FLOATING * * POINT ROUTINES * * * * COPYRIGHT 1977 BY * * APPLE COMPUTER INC. * * * * ALL RIGHTS RESERVED * * * * S. WOZNIAK * * * ***********************      TITLE "FLOATING POINT ROUTINES"      SIGN EPZ $F3      X2 EPZ $F4      M2 EPZ $F5      X1 EPZ $F8      M1 EPZ $F9      E EPZ $FC      OVLOC EQU $3F5      ORG $F425      F425: 18 ADD CLC CLEAR CARRY      F426: A2 02 LDX #$2 INDEX FOR 3-BYTE ADD.      F428: B5 F9 ADD1 LDA M1,X      F42A: 75 F5 ADC M2,X ADD A BYTE OF MANT2 TO MANT1      F42C: 95 F9 STA M1,X      F42E: CA DEX INDEX TO NEXT MORE SIGNIF. BYTE.      F42F: 10 F7 BPL ADD1 LOOP UNTIL DONE.      F431: 60 RTS RETURN      F432: 06 F3 MD1 ASL SIGN CLEAR LSB OF SIGN.      F434: 20 37 F4 JSR ABSWAP ABS VAL OF M1, THEN SWAP WITH M2      F437: 24 F9 ABSWAP BIT M1 MANT1 NEGATIVE?      F439: 10 05 BPL ABSWAP1 NO, SWAP WITH MANT2 AND RETURN.      F43B: 20 A4 F4 JSR FCOMPL YES, COMPLEMENT IT.      F43E: E6 F3 INC SIGN INCR SIGN, COMPLEMENTING LSB.      F440: 38 ABSWAP1 SEC SET CARRY FOR RETURN TO MUL/DIV.      F441: A2 04 SWAP LDX #$4 INDEX FOR 4 BYTE SWAP.      F443: 94 FB SWAP1 STY E-1,X      F445: B5 F7 LDA X1-1,X SWAP A BYTE OF EXP/MANT1 WITH      F447: B4 F3 LDY X2-1,X EXP/MANT2 AND LEAVE A COPY OF      F449: 94 F7 STY X1-1,X MANT1 IN E (3 BYTES). E+3 USED      F44B: 95 F3 STA X2-1,X      F44D: CA DEX ADVANCE INDEX TO NEXT BYTE      F44E: D0 F3 BNE SWAP1 LOOP UNTIL DONE.      F450: 60 RTS RETURN      F451: A9 8E FLOAT LDA #$8E INIT EXP1 TO 14,      F453: 85 F8 STA X1 THEN NORMALIZE TO FLOAT.      F455: A5 F9 NORM1 LDA M1 HIGH-ORDER MANT1 BYTE.      F457: C9 C0 CMP #$C0 UPPER TWO BITS UNEQUAL?      F459: 30 0C BMI RTS1 YES, RETURN WITH MANT1 NORMALIZED      F45B: C6 F8 DEC X1 DECREMENT EXP1.      F45D: 06 FB ASL M1+2      F45F: 26 FA ROL M1+1 SHIFT MANT1 (3 BYTES) LEFT.      F461: 26 F9 ROL M1      F463: A5 F8 NORM LDA X1 EXP1 ZERO?      F465: D0 EE BNE NORM1 NO, CONTINUE NORMALIZING.      F467: 60 RTS1 RTS RETURN.      F468: 20 A4 F4 FSUB JSR FCOMPL CMPL MANT1,CLEARS CARRY UNLESS 0      F46B: 20 7B F4 SWPALGN JSR ALGNSWP RIGHT SHIFT MANT1 OR SWAP WITH      F46E: A5 F4 FADD LDA X2      F470: C5 F8 CMP X1 COMPARE EXP1 WITH EXP2.      F472: D0 F7 BNE SWPALGN IF #,SWAP ADDENDS OR ALIGN MANTS.      F474: 20 25 F4 JSR ADD ADD ALIGNED MANTISSAS.      F477: 50 EA ADDEND BVC NORM NO OVERFLOW, NORMALIZE RESULT.      F479: 70 05 BVS RTLOG OV: SHIFT M1 RIGHT, CARRY INTO SIGN      F47B: 90 C4 ALGNSWP BCC SWAP SWAP IF CARRY CLEAR,      * ELSE SHIFT RIGHT ARITH.      F47D: A5 F9 RTAR LDA M1 SIGN OF MANT1 INTO CARRY FOR      F47F: 0A ASL RIGHT ARITH SHIFT.      F480: E6 F8 RTLOG INC X1 INCR X1 TO ADJUST FOR RIGHT SHIFT      F482: F0 75 BEQ OVFL EXP1 OUT OF RANGE.      F484: A2 FA RTLOG1 LDX #$FA INDEX FOR 6:BYTE RIGHT SHIFT.      F486: 76 FF ROR1 ROR E+3,X      F488: E8 INX NEXT BYTE OF SHIFT.      F489: D0 FB BNE ROR1 LOOP UNTIL DONE.      F48B: 60 RTS RETURN.      F48C: 20 32 F4 FMUL JSR MD1 ABS VAL OF MANT1, MANT2      F48F: 65 F8 ADC X1 ADD EXP1 TO EXP2 FOR PRODUCT EXP      F491: 20 E2 F4 JSR MD2 CHECK PROD. EXP AND PREP. FOR MUL      F494: 18 CLC CLEAR CARRY FOR FIRST BIT.      F495: 20 84 F4 MUL1 JSR RTLOG1 M1 AND E RIGHT (PROD AND MPLIER)      F498: 90 03 BCC MUL2 IF CARRY CLEAR, SKIP PARTIAL PROD      F49A: 20 25 F4 JSR ADD ADD MULTIPLICAND TO PRODUCT.      F49D: 88 MUL2 DEY NEXT MUL ITERATION.      F49E: 10 F5 BPL MUL1 LOOP UNTIL DONE.      F4A0: 46 F3 MDEND LSR SIGN TEST SIGN LSB.      F4A2: 90 BF NORMX BCC NORM IF EVEN,NORMALIZE PROD,ELSE COMP      F4A4: 38 FCOMPL SEC SET CARRY FOR SUBTRACT.      F4A5: A2 03 LDX #$3 INDEX FOR 3 BYTE SUBTRACT.      F4A7: A9 00 COMPL1 LDA #$0 CLEAR A.      F4A9: F5 F8 SBC X1,X SUBTRACT BYTE OF EXP1.      F4AB: 95 F8 STA X1,X RESTORE IT.      F4AD: CA DEX NEXT MORE SIGNIFICANT BYTE.      F4AE: D0 F7 BNE COMPL1 LOOP UNTIL DONE.      F4B0: F0 C5 BEQ ADDEND NORMALIZE (OR SHIFT RT IF OVFL).      F4B2: 20 32 F4 FDIV JSR MD1 TAKE ABS VAL OF MANT1, MANT2.      F4B5: E5 F8 SBC X1 SUBTRACT EXP1 FROM EXP2.      F4B7: 20 E2 F4 JSR MD2 SAVE AS QUOTIENT EXP.      F4BA: 38 DIV1 SEC SET CARRY FOR SUBTRACT.      F4BB: A2 02 LDX #$2 INDEX FOR 3-BYTE SUBTRACTION.      F4BD: B5 F5 DIV2 LDA M2,X      F4BF: F5 FC SBC E,X SUBTRACT A BYTE OF E FROM MANT2.      F4C1: 48 PHA SAVE ON STACK.      F4C2: CA DEX NEXT MORE SIGNIFICANT BYTE.      F4C3: 10 F8 BPL DIV2 LOOP UNTIL DONE.      F4C5: A2 FD LDX #$FD INDEX FOR 3-BYTE CONDITIONAL MOVE      F4C7: 68 DIV3 PLA PULL BYTE OF DIFFERENCE OFF STACK      F4C8: 90 02 BCC DIV4 IF M2<E THEN DON'T RESTORE M2. F4CA: 95 F8 STA M2+3,X      F4CC: E8 DIV4 INX NEXT LESS SIGNIFICANT BYTE.      F4CD: D0 F8 BNE DIV3 LOOP UNTIL DONE.      F4CF: 26 FB ROL M1+2      F4D1: 26 FA ROL M1+1 ROLL QUOTIENT LEFT, CARRY INTO LSB      F4D3: 26 F9 ROL M1      F4D5: 06 F7 ASL M2+2      F4D7: 26 F6 ROL M2+1 SHIFT DIVIDEND LEFT      F4D9: 26 F5 ROL M2      F4DB: B0 1C BCS OVFL OVFL IS DUE TO UNNORMED DIVISOR      F4DD: 88 DEY NEXT DIVIDE ITERATION.      F4DE: D0 DA BNE DIV1 LOOP UNTIL DONE 23 ITERATIONS.      F4E0: F0 BE BEQ MDEND NORM. QUOTIENT AND CORRECT SIGN.      F4E2: 86 FB MD2 STX M1+2      F4E4: 86 FA STX M1+1 CLEAR MANT1 (3 BYTES) FOR MUL/DIV.      F4E6: 86 F9 STX M1      F4E8: B0 0D BCS OVCHK IF CALC. SET CARRY,CHECK FOR OVFL      F4EA: 30 04 BMI MD3 IF NEG THEN NO UNDERFLOW.      F4EC: 68 PLA POP ONE RETURN LEVEL.      F4ED: 68 PLA      F4EE: 90 B2 BCC NORMX CLEAR X1 AND RETURN.      F4F0: 49 80 MD3 EOR #$80 COMPLEMENT SIGN BIT OF EXPONENT.      F4F2: 85 F8 STA X1 STORE IT.      F4F4: A0 17 LDY #$17 COUNT 24 MUL/23 DIV ITERATIONS.      F4F6: 60 RTS RETURN.      F4F7: 10 F7 OVCHK BPL MD3 IF POSITIVE EXP THEN NO OVFL.      F4F9: 4C F5 03 OVFL JMP OVLOC      ORG $F63D      F63D: 20 7D F4 FIX1 JSR RTAR      F640: A5 F8 FIX LDA X1      F642: 10 13 BPL UNDFL      F644: C9 8E CMP #$8E      F646: D0 F5 BNE FIX1      F648: 24 F9 BIT M1      F64A: 10 0A BPL FIXRTS      F64C: A5 FB LDA M1+2      F64E: F0 06 BEQ FIXRTS      F650: E6 FA INC M1+1      F652: D0 02 BNE FIXRTS      F654: E6 F9 INC M1      F656: 60 FIXRTS RTS      F657: A9 00 UNDFL LDA #$0      F659: 85 F9 STA M1      F65B: 85 FA STA M1+1      F65D: 60 RTS             ***************************************************************************      Wozpak ][, November 1979, pages 109-115.             FLOATING POINT PACKAGE             The mantissa-exponent, or 'floating point' numerical representation is      widely used by computers to express values with a wide dynamic range. With      floating point representation, the number 7.5 x 10^22 requires no more      memory to store than the number 75 does. We have allowed for binary      floating point arithmetic on the APPLE ][ computer by providing a useful      subroutine package in ROM, which performs the common arithmetic functions.      Maximum precision is retained by these routines and overflow conditions      such as 'divide by zero' are trapped for the user. The 4-byte floating      point number representation is compatible with future APPLE products such      as floating point BASIC.             A small amount of memory in Page Zero is dedicated to the floating point      workspace, including the two floating-point accumulators, FP1 and FP2.      After placing operands in these accumulators, the user calls subroutines in      the ROM which perform the desired arithmetic operations, leaving results in      FP1. Should an overflow condition occur, a jump to location $3F5 is      executed, allowing a user routine to take appropriate action.                           FLOATING POINT REPRESENTATION             _____ _____ _____ _____      | | | | | | | | | | | HI | | | | LOW | |_____| |_____| |_____| |_____|             Exponent Signed Mantissa             1. Mantissa             The floating point mantissa is stored in two's complement representation with the sign at the most significant bit (MSB) position of the high-order      mantissa byte. The mantissa provides 24 bits of precision, including sign,      and can represent 24-bit integers precisely. Extending precision is simply      a matter of adding bytes at the low order end of the mantissa.             Except for magnitudes less than 2^-128 (which lose precision) mantissa are      normalized by the floating point routines to retain maximum precision.      That is, the numbers are adjusted so that the upper two high-order mantissa      bits are unequal.                    HIGH-ORDER MANTISSA BYTE      01.XXXXXX Positive mantissa.      10.XXXXXX Negative mantissa.      00.XXXXXX Unnormalized mantissa.      11.XXXXXX Exponent = -128.             2. Exponent.             The exponent is a binary scaling factor (power of two) which is applied to      the mantissa. Ranging from -128 to +127, the exponent is stored in      standard two's complement representation except for the sign bit which is     complemented. This representation allows direct comparison of exponents,      since they are stored in increasing numerical sequence. The most negative      exponent, corresponding to the smallest magnItude, -128, is stored as $00      ($ means hexidecimal) and the most positive, +127, is stored as $FF (all      ones).                    EXPONENT STORED AS             +127 11111111 ($FF)             +3 10000011 ($83)      +2 10000010 ($82)      +1 10000001 ($81)      0 10000000 ($80)      -1 01111111 ($7F)      -2 01111110 ($7E)      -3 01111101 ($7D)             -128 00000000 ($00)                    The smallest magnitude which can be represented is 2^-150.             _____ _____ _____ _____      | | | | | | | | | 0 | | 0 | | 0 | | 1 | |_____| |_____| |_____| |_____|             HIGH LOW      EXP MANTISSA                    The largest positive magnitude which can be represented is +2^128-1.             _____ _____ _____ _____      | | | | | | | | | $7F | | $7F | | $FF | | $FF | |_____| |_____| |_____| |_____|             EXP MANTISSA                           FLOATING POINT REPRESENTATION EXAMPLES             DECIMAL HEX HEX      NUMBER EXPONENT MANTISSA             + 3 81 60 00 00 + 4 82 40 00 00 + 5 82 50 00 00 + 7 82 70 00 00 +12 83 60 00 00 +15 83 78 00 00 +17 84 44 00 00 +20 84 50 00 00 +60 85 78 00 00 - 3 81 A0 00 00 - 4 81 80 00 00 - 5 82 B0 00 00 - 7 82 90 00 00 -12 83 A0 00 00 -15 83 88 00 00 -17 84 BC 00 00 -20 84 B0 00 00 -60 85 88 00 00                           FLOATING POINT SUBROUTINE DESCRIPTIONS                           FCOMPL subroutine (address $F4A4)             Purpose: FCOMPL is used to negate floating point numbers.             Entry: A normalized or unnormalized value is in FP1 (floating point      accumulator 1).             Uses: NORM, RTLOG.             Exit: The value in FP1 is negated and then normalized to retain precision.      The 3-byte FP1 extension, E, may also be altered but FP2 and SIGN are not      disturbed. The 6502 A-REG is altered and the X-REG is cleared. The Y-REG      is not disturbed.             Caution: Attempting to negate -2^128 will result in an overflow since      +2^128 is not representable, and a jump to location $3F5 will be executed,      with the following contents in FP1.             _____ _____ _____ _____      | | | | | | | |      FP1: | 0 | | $80 | | 0 | | 0 | |_____| |_____| |_____| |_____|             X1 M1                    Example: Prior to calling FCOMPL, FP1 contains +15.                    _____ _____ _____ _____      | | | | | | | |      FP1: | $83 | | $78 | | 0 | | 0 | (+15)      |_____| |_____| |_____| |_____|             X1 M1             After calling FCOMPL as a subroutine, FP1 contains -15.             _____ _____ _____ _____      | | | | | | | |      FP1: | $83 | | $88 | | 0 | | 0 | (+15)      |_____| |_____| |_____| |_____|             X1 M1                           FADD subroutine (address $F46E)             Purpose: To add two numbers in floating point form.             Entry: The two addends are in FP1 and FP2 respectively. For maximum      precision, both should be normalized.             Uses: SWPALGN, ADD, NORM, RTLOG.             Exit: The normalized sum is left in FP1. FP2 contains the addend of      greatest magnitude. E is altered but sign is not. The A-REG is altered      and the X-REG is cleared. The sum mantissa is truncated to 24 bits.             Caution: Overflow may result if the sum is less that -2^128 or greater than      +2^128-1. If so, a jump to location $3F5 is executed leaving 0 in X1, and      twice the proper sum in the mantissa M1. The sign bit is left in the      carry, 0 for positive, 1 for negative.             _____ __________      | | | |      FP1: | 0 | | X.YYY... | |_____| |__________|             X1 M1             (For carry=0, true sum=+X.YYY x 2^128)             Example: Prior to calling FADD, FP1 contains +12 and FP2 contains -5.             _____ _____ _____ _____      | | | | | | | |      FP1: | $83 | | $60 | | 0 | | 0 | (+12)      |_____| |_____| |_____| |_____|             X1 M1             _____ _____ _____ _____      | | | | | | | |      FP2: | $82 | | $B0 | | 0 | | 0 | (-5)      |_____| |_____| |_____| |_____|             X2 M2             After calling FADD, FP1 contains +7 (FP2 contains +12).             _____ _____ _____ _____      | | | | | | | |      FP1 | $82 | | $70 | | 0 | | 0 | (+7)      |_____| |_____| |_____| |_____|             X1 M1                           FSUB subroutine (address $F468)             Purpose: To subtract two floating point numbers.             Entry: The minuend is in FP1 and the subtrahend is in FP2. Both should be      normalized to retain maximum precision prior to calling FSUB.             Uses: FCOMPL, ALGNSWP, FADD, ADD, NORM, RTLOG.             Exit: The normalized difference is in FP1 with the mantissa truncated to 24      bits. FP2 holds either the minued or the negated subtrahend, whichever is      of greater magnitude. E is altered but SIGN and SCR are not. the A-REG is      altered and the X-REG is cleared. The Y-REG is not disturbed.             Cautions: An exit to location S3F5 is taken if the result is less than      -2^128 or greater than +2^128-1. or if the subtrahend is -2^128.             Example: Prior to calling FSUB, FP1 contains +7 (minuend) and FP2 contalns      -5 (subtrahend).             _____ _____ _____ _____      | | | | | | | |      FP1: | $82 | | $70 | | 0 | | 0 | (+12)      |_____| |_____| |_____| |_____|             X1 M1             _____ _____ _____ _____      | | | | | | | |      FP2: | $82 | | $B0 | | 0 | | 0 | (- 5)      |_____| |_____| |_____| |_____|             X2 M2             After calling FSUB, FP1 contains +12 and FP2 contains +7.             _____ _____ _____ _____      | | | | | | | |      FP1: | $83 | | $60 | | 0 | | 0 | (+12)      |_____| |_____| |_____| |_____|             X1 M1                           FMUL subroutine (address $F48C)             Purpose: To multiply floating point numbers.             Entry: The multiplicand and multiplier must reside in FP1 and FP2      respectively. Both should be normalized prior to calling FMUL to retain      maximum precision.             Uses: MD1, MD2, RTLOG1, ADD, MDEND.             Exit: The signed normalized floating point product is left in FP1. M1 is      truncated to contain the 24 most significant mantissa bits (including      sign). The absolute value of the multiplier mantissa (M2) is left in FP2.      E, SIGN, and SCR are altered. The A- and X-REGs are altered and the Y-REG      contains $FF upon exit.             Cautions: An exit to location $3F5 is taken if the product is less than      -2^128 or greater than +2^128-1.             Notes: FMUL will run faster if the absolute value of the multiplier      mantissa contains fewer '1's than the absolute value of the multiplicand      mantissa.             Example: Prior to calling FMUL, FP1 contains +12 and FP2 contains -5.             _____ _____ _____ _____      | | | | | | | |      FP1: | $83 | | $60 | | 0 | | 0 | (+12)      |_____| |_____| |_____| |_____|             X1 M1             _____ _____ _____ _____      | | | | | | | |      FP2: | $82 | | $B0 | | 0 | | 0 | (- 5)      |_____| |_____| |_____| |_____|             X2 M2             After calling FMUL, FP1 contains -60 and FP2 contains +5.             _____ _____ _____ _____      | | | | | | | |      FP1: | $85 | | $88 | | 0 | | 0 | (-60)      |_____| |_____| |_____| |_____|             X1 M1             _____ _____ _____ _____      | | | | | | | |      FP2: | $82 | | $50 | | 0 | | 0 | (+ 5)      |_____| |_____| |_____| |_____|             X2 M2                           FDIV subroutine (addr $F4B2)             Purpose: To perform division of floating point numbers.             Entry: The normalized dividend is in FP2 and the normalized divisor is in      FP1.             Exit: The signed normalized floating point quotient is left in FP1. The      mantissa (M1) is truncated to 24 bits. The 3-bit M1 extension (E) contains      the absolute value of the divisor mantissa. MD2, SIGN, and SCR are      altered. The A- and X-REGs are altered and the Y-REG is cleared.             Uses: MD1, MD2, MDEND.             Cautions: An exit to location $3F5 is taken if the quotient is less than      -2^128 or greater than +2^128-1             Notes: MD2 contains the remainder mantissa (equivalent to the MOD      function). The remainder exponent is the same as the quotient exponent, or      1 less if the dividend mantissa magnitude is less than the divisor mantissa      magnitude.             Example: Prior to calling FDIV, FP1 contains -60 (dividend), and FP2      contains +12 (divisor).             _____ _____ _____ _____      | | | | | | | |      FP1: | $85 | | $80 | | 0 | | 0 | (-60)      |_____| |_____| |_____| |_____|             X1 M1             _____ _____ _____ _____      | | | | | | | |      FP2 | $83 | | $60 | | 0 | | 0 | (+12)      |_____| |_____| |_____| |_____|             X1 M1             After calling FMUL, FP1 contains -5 and M2 contains 0.             _____ _____ _____ _____      | | | | | | | |      FP1: | $82 | | $B0 | | 0 | | 0 | (-5)      |_____| |_____| |_____| |_____|             X1 M1                           FLOAT Subroutine (address $F451)             Purpose: To convert integers to floating point representation.             Entry: A signed (two's complement) 2-byte integer is stored in M1 (high-order byte) and M1+1 (low-order byte). M1+2 must be cleared by user      prior to entry.             Uses: NORM1.             Exit: The normalized floating point equivalent is left in FP1. E, FP2,      SIGN, and SCR are not disturbed. The A-REG contains a copy of the      high-order mantissa byte upon exit but the X- and Y-REGs are not disturbed.      The carry is cleared.             Notes: To float a 1-byte integer, place it in M1+1 and clear M1 as well as      M1+2 prior to calling FLOAT.             FLOAT takes approximately 3 msec. lonqer to convert zero to floating point      form than other arguments. The user may check for zero prior to calling      FLOAT and increase throughput.             * * LOW-ORDER INT. BYTE IN A-REG      * HIGH-ORDER BYTE IN Y-REG      * 85 FA XFLOAT STA M1+1 84 F9 STY M1 INIT MANT1      A0 00 LDY #$0 84 FB STY M1+2 05 D9 ORA M1 CHK BOTH      BYTES FOR      D0 03 BNE TOFLOAT ZERO      85 F8 STA X1 IF SO CLR X1      60 RTS AND RETURN      4C 51 F4 TOFLOAT JMP FLOAT ELSE FLOAT      INTEGER             Example: Float +274 ($0112 hex)             CALLING SEQUENCE             A0 01 LDY #$01 HIGH-ORDER      INTEGER BYTE      A9 12 LDA #$12 LOW-ORDER      INTEGER BYTE      84 F9 STY M1      85 FA STA M1+1      A9 00 LDA #$00 85 F8 STA M1+2 20 51 F4 JSR FLOAT             Upon returning from FLOAT, FP1 contains the floating point representation      of +274.             _____ _____ _____ _____      | | | | | | | |      FP1 | $88 | | $44 | | $80 | | 0 | (+274)      |_____| |_____| |_____| |_____|             X1 M1                           FIX subroutine (address $F640)             Purpose: To extract the integer portion of a floating point number with      truncation (ENTIER function).             Entry: A floating point value is in FP1. It need not be normalized.             Uses: RTAR.             Exit: The two-byte signed two's complement representation of the integer portion is left in M1 (high-order byte) and M1+1 (low-order byte). The      floating point values +24.63 and -61.2 are converted to the integers +24      and -61 respectively. FP1 and E are altered but FP2, E, SIGN, and SCR are      not. The A- and X-REGs are altered but the Y-REG is not.             Example: The floating point value +274 is in FP1 prior to calling FIX.             _____ _____ _____ _____      | | | | | | | |      FP1: | $88 | | $44 | | $80 | | 0 | (+274)      |_____| |_____| |_____| |_____|             X1 M1             After calling FIX, M1 (high-order byte) and M1+1 (low-order byte) contain      the integer representation of +274 ($0112).             _____ _____ _____ _____      | | | | | | | |      FP1: | $8E | | $01 | | $12 | | 0 | |_____| |_____| |_____| |_____|             X1 M1             Note: FP1 contains an unnormalized representation of +274 upon exit.                           NORM Subroutine (address $F463)             Purpose: To normalize the value in FP1, thus insuring maximum precision.             Entry: A normalized or unnormalized value is in FP1.             Exit: The value in FP1 is normalized. A zero mantissa will exit with X1=0      (2 exponent). If the exponent on exit is -128 (X1=0) then the mantissa      (M1) is not necessarily normalized (with the two high-order mantissa bits      unequal). E, FP2, SIGN, AND SCR are not distubed. The A-REG is disturbed      but the X- and Y-REGs are not. The carry is set.             Example: FP1 contains +12 in unnormalized form (as .0011 x 2 ).             _____ _____ _____ _____      | | | | | | | |      FP1: | $86 | | $0C | | 0 | | 0 | (+12)      |_____| |_____| |_____| |_____|             x1 M1             Upon exit from NORM, FP1 contains +12 in normalized form (as 1.1 x 2 ).             _____ _____ _____ _____      | | | | | | | |      FP1: | $83 | | $60 | | 0 | | 0 | (+12)      |_____| |_____| |_____| |_____|             X1 M1                           NORM1 subroutine (address $F455)             Purpose: To normalize a floating point value in FP1 when it is known the      exponent is not -128 (X1=0) upon entry.             Entry: An unnormalized number is in FP1. The exponent byte should not be 0 for normal use.             Exit: The normalized value is in FP1. E, FP2, SIGN, and SCR are not not      disturbed. The A-REG is altered but the X- and Y-REGs are not.                           ADD Subroutine (address $F425)             Purpose: To add the two mantissas (M1 and M2) as 3-byte integers.             Entry: Two mantissas are in M1 (through M1+2) and M2 (through M2+2). They      should be aligned, that is with identical exponents, for use in the FADD      and FSUB subroutines.             Exit: the 24-bit integer sum is in M1 (high-order byte in M1, low-order      byte in M1+2). FP2, X1, E, SIGN and SCR are not disturbed. The A-REG      contains the high-order byte of the sum, the X-REG contains $FF and the      Y-REG is not altered. The carry is the '25th' sum bit.                    Example: FP1 contains +5 and FP2 contains +7 prior to calling ADD.             _____ _____ _____ _____      | | | | | | | |      FP1: | $82 | | $50 | | 0 | | 0 | (+5)      |_____| |_____| |_____| |_____|             X1 M1             _____ _____ _____ _____      | | | | | | | |      FP2: | $82 | | $70 | | 0 | | 0 | (+7)      |_____| |_____| |_____| |_____|             Upon exit, M1 contains the overflow value for +12. Note that the sign bit      is incorrect. This is taken care of with a call to the right shift      routine.             _____ _____ _____ _____      | | | | | | | |      FP: | $82 | | $C0 | | 0 | | 0 | (+12)      |_____| |_____| |_____| |_____|                           ABSWAP Subroutine (address $F437)             Purpose: To take the absolute value of FP1 and then swap FP1 with FP2.      Note that two sequential calls to ABSWAP will take the absolute values of      both FP1 and FP2 in preparation for a multiply or divide.             Entry: FP1 and FP2 contain floating point values.             Exit: The absolute value of the original FP1 contents are in FP2 and the      original FP2 contents are in FP1. The least significant bit of SIGN is      complemented if a negation takes place (if the original FP1 contents are      negative) by means of an increment. SCR and E are used. The A-REG      contains a copy of X2, the X-REG is cleared, and the Y-REG is not altered.                           RTAR Subroutine (address $F47D)             Purpose: To shift M1 right one bit position while incrementing X1 to      compensate for scale. This is roughly the opposite of the NORM subroutine.             Entry: A normalized or unnormalized floating point value is in FP1.             Exit: The 6-byte field MANT1 and E is shifted right one bit arithmetically      and X1 is incremented by 1 to retain proper scale. The sign bit of MANT1      (MSB of M1) is unchanged. FP2, SIGN, and SCR are not disturbed. The A-REG      contains the least significant byte of E (E+2), the X-REG is cleared, and      the Y-REG is not disturbed.             Caution: If X1 increments of 0 (overflow) then an exit to location $3F5 is      taken, the A-REG contains the high-order MANT1 byte, M1 and X1 is cleared.      FP2, SIGN, SCR, and the X- and Y-REGs are not disturbed.             Uses: RTLOG             Example: Prior to calling RTAR, FP1 contains the normalized value -7.             _____ _____ _____ _____      | | | | | | | |      FP1 | $83 | | $A0 | | 0 | | 0 | (-7)      |_____| |_____| |_____| |_____|             X1 M1             After calling RTAR, FP1 contains the unnormalized value -7 (note that      precision is lost off the low-order end of M1).             _____ _____ _____ _____      | | | | | | | |      FP1 | $84 | | $D0 | | 0 | | 0 | (-7)      |_____| |_____| |_____| |_____|             X1 M1             Note: M1 sign bit is unchanged.                           RTLOG subroutine (address $F480)             Purpose: To shift the 6-byte field MANT1 and E one bit to the right (toward      the least significant bit). The 6502 carry bit is shifted into the      high-order M1 bit. This is useful in correcting binary sum overflows.             Entry: A normalized or unnormalized floating point value is in FP1. The      carry must be cleared or set by the user since it is shifted Into the sign      bit of M1.             Exit: Same as RTAR except that the sign of M1 is not preserved (it is set      to the value of the carry bit on entry)             Caution: Same as RTAR.             Example: Prior to calling RTLOG, FP1 contains the normalized value -12 and      the carry is clear.             _____ _____ _____ _____      | | | | | | | |      FP1: | $83 | | $A0 | | 0 | | 0 | (-12)      |_____| |_____| |_____| |_____|             X1 M1             After calling RTLOG, M1 is shifted one bit to the right and the sign bit is      clear. X1 is incremented by 1.             _____ _____ _____ _____      | | | | | | | |      FP1: | $84 | | $50 | | 0 | | 0 | (+20)      |_____| |_____| |_____| |_____|             X1 M1             Note: The bit shifted off the end of MANT1 is rotated into the high-order      bit of the 3-byte extension E. The 3-byte E field is also shifted one bit      to the right.                           RTLOG1 subroutine (address $F484)             Purpose: To shift MANT1 and E right one bit without adjusting X1. This is      used by the multiply loop. The carry is shifted into the sign bit of      MANT1.             Entry: M1 and E contain a 6-byte unsigned field. E is the 3-byte low-order      extension of MANT1.             Exit: Same as RTLOG except that X1 is not altered and an overflow exit      cannot occur.                           MD2 subroutine (address $F4E2)             Purpose: To clear the 3-byte MANT1 field for FMUL and FDIV, check for      inital result exponent overflow (and underflow), and initialize the X-REG      to $17 for loop counting.             Entry: the X-REG is cleared by the user since it is placed in the 3 bytes      of MANT1. The A-REG contains the result of an exponent addition (FMUL) or      subtraction (FDIV). The carry and sign status bits should be set according      to this addition or subtraction for overflow and underflow determination.             Exit: The 3 bytes of M1 are cleared (or all set to the contents of the      X-REG on Entry) and the Y-REG is loaded with $17. The sign bit of the      A-REG is complemented and a copy of the A-REG is stored in X1. FP2, SIGN,      SCR, and the X-REG are not disturbed.             Uses: NORM.             Caution: Exponent overflow results in an exit to location $3F5. Exponent      underflow results in an early return from the calling subroutine (FDIV or      FMUL) with a floating point zero in FP1. Because MD2 pops a return address      off the stack, it may only be called by another subroutine.

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