BaseX 7.7.1 发布,开源 XML 数据库
jopen 11年前
BaseX是一个轻量级,高性能,可扩展的XML数据库系统和XPath / XQuery处理器,包括全面支持W3C的更新和全文扩展。一个交互式和用户友好的GUI前端,让你能够很方便操作大型XML数据实例。它是平台独立的,开箱即用。
发布说: XQuery now uses the new map syntax (example: {'key':'value'}). Tail call optimization is now also applied to dynamic functions. fn:subsequence() calls and sequence casts are better optimized. Original options are preserved when calling db:optimize(). In WebDAV, non-breakable spaces are returned as . In the core, OutOfMemory exceptions are avoided when building large databases