OS4 4.1 "Enterprise" 发布,基于Xubuntu的桌面和服务器Linux发行

jopen 12年前

<IMG title=OS4 border=0 alt="OS4 4.1 " align=middle src="https://simg.open-open.com/show/86c25e5b79f0c60231d7869b9cedd941.png" width=90 height=87 发布,基于xubuntu的桌面和服务器linux发行?="" enterprise?="">
Roberto Dohnert has announced the release of OS4 4.1 "Enterprise" edition, an Ubuntu-based commercial distribution for small and medium-size enterprises: " Today we are pleased to announce the release of OS4 Enterprise 4.1. With this release we bring many advancements to the world's premier enterprise Linux platform. We learned a lot from our release of Enterprise 4.0 and this release is based on customer feedback. Starting with the user interface. Many of our Enterprise customers coming from Red Hat and Oracle Linux wanted a consistent user interface that they had become accustomed to with Red Hat Enterprise Linux and Oracle Linux and we believe we have achieved that and with some of the flare that OS4 is famous for. Some of these features include: Linux kernel 3.2; Jakarta Tomcat, ZFS 0.6.2 for Linux, support for Microsoft Hyper-V, Webmin....</span>" Read the release announcement for more information. The pricing starts at US$100 per copy, but a live-only demo is available for download from SourceForge: os4-ent-41-demo.iso (1,473MB, MD5).
<IMG title=OS4 border=1 hspace=6 alt="OS4 4.1 " vspace=6 src="https://simg.open-open.com/show/ed2bb76dd3909050ae3cae6f7ef83cd6.png" width=480 height=384 发布,基于xubuntu的桌面和服务器linux发行?="" enterprise?="">