JFreeChart 1.0.16 发布,Java图表制作

jopen 11年前

JFreeChart 是一组功能强大、灵活易用的Java绘图API,使用它可以生成多种通用性的报表,包括柱状图、饼图、曲线图、甘特图等。它能够用在Swing和Web等中制作自定义的图表或报表,并且得到广泛的应用。

发布说明: 这次This release added subscript/superscript support for axis labels (via AttributedString), new axis label positioning options, simplified ChartFactory methods, new methods in DatasetUtilities for interpolating y-values in XYDatasets, URLs for labels on CategoryAxis, seamless integration with JFreeSVG and OrsonPDF, improved consistency of the SWTGraphics2D implementation, and fixes for various bugs. All JUnit tests have been upgraded to JUnit 4
