JS 脚本压缩工具,rJSmin 1.0.5 发布

openkk 13年前
   <p><a href="/misc/goto?guid=4958193768026703910" target="_blank">rJSmin </a>使用 Python 语言重写了 Douglas Crockford 的 jsmin.c ,速度更快;几乎所有逻辑都使用正则表达式实现。</p>    <ul class="simple">     <li>there is no error detection: unterminated string, regex and comment literals are treated as regular javascript code and minified as such.</li>     <li>Control characters inside string and regex literals are left untouched; they are not converted to spaces (nor to n)</li>     <li>Newline characters are not allowed inside string and regex literals, except for line continuations in string literals (ECMA-5).</li>     <li>“<tt class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">return</span> <span class="pre">/regex/</span></tt>” is recognized correctly.</li>     <li>“<tt class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">+</span> <span class="pre">+</span></tt>” and “<tt class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">-</span> <span class="pre">-</span></tt>” sequences are not collapsed to ‘<tt class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">++</span></tt>‘ or ‘<tt class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">--</span></tt>‘</li>     <li>Newlines before <tt class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">!</span></tt> operators are removed more sensibly</li>     <li><em class="ci">rJSmin</em> does not handle streams, but only complete strings. (However, the module provides a “streamy” interface).</li>    </ul>    <p><br /> rJSmin 1.0.5 发布了,该版本支持 !function 自调用语法。</p>