Java开源的应用服务器, Jetty 9.2.7.v20150116 发布
Jetty 提供了一个 Web 服务器 和 javax.servlet 容器,可选插件支持 SPDY, WebSocket, OSGi, JMX, JNDI, JAAS 和许多其他集成。Jetty能够用在各种各样的项目和产品,无论是在研发和生产。Jetty可以很容易地嵌入到设备,工具,框架,应用服务器和集群。
- Full-featured and standards-based
- Open source and commercially usable
- Flexible and extensible
- Small footprint
- Embeddable
- Asynchronous
- Enterprise scalable
- Dual licensed under Apache and Eclipse
也已提供在 Global Central Repository:
此版本解决了 Eclipse P2 库一次构建提供一次的问题。
+ 420944 Hot Deployment of WAR when Context XML exists doesn't trigger
+ 448944 Provide m2e lifecycle mapping metadata for jetty-jspc-maven-plugin
+ 452201 Set the container classloader for osgi during webbundle undeploy
+ 454291 Added busy threads JMX attribute to QueuedThreadPool
+ 454773 SSLConnection use on Android client results in loop
+ 454954 Jetty osgi should skip fragment and required bundles that are in the
uninstalled state
+ 454955 OSGi AnnotationParser should skip resources that are not in the
classpath and close the class inputstream when done scanning it
+ 454983 Source bundles should not be singleton
+ 455047 Update JASPI
+ 455174 jetty-plus JNDI tests should use unique JNDI paths
+ 455330 Multiple Jetty-ContextFilePath entries separated by commas doesn't
+ 455476 Persist updated session expiry time for MongoSessionManager
+ 455655 ensure multipart form-data parsing exception thrown to servlet
+ 455863 Fixed handling of multiple JETTY_ARGS
+ 456426 Exception on context undeploy from EnvConfiguration
+ 456486 Jar containing ServiceContainerInitializer impl not found in TCCL in
+ 456956 Reduce ThreadLocal.remove() weak reference garbage
+ 457017 Reflective call to websocket methods that fail have ambiguous
+ 457032 Request sent from a failed CompleteListener due to connect timeout is
failed immediately.
+ 457130 HTTPS request with IP host and HTTP proxy throws
+ 457696 JMX implementation should not be overridden by WebApp classes