集群管理器,Apache Mesos 0.26.0 发布
Apache Mesos是一个集群管理器,提供了有效的、跨分布式应用或框架的资源隔离和共享,可以运行Hadoop、MPI、Hypertable、Spark。
Apache Mesos 0.26.0 发布,此版本主要是改进和 bug 修复:
Bug 修复
[MESOS-1867] - Precision errors in UI
[MESOS-2864] - Master should not change the state of a terminal task if it receives another terminal update
[MESOS-3030] - Build failure on OS 10.11 using Xcode 7.
[MESOS-3123] - DockerContainerizerTest.ROOT_DOCKER_Launch_Executor_Bridged fails & crashes
[MESOS-3272] - CgroupsAnyHierarchyWithCpuMemoryTest.ROOT_CGROUPS_FreezeNonFreezer is flaky.
[MESOS-3280] - Master fails to access replicated log after network partition
[MESOS-3293] - Failing ROOT_ tests on CentOS 7.1 - LimitedCpuIsolatorTest
[MESOS-3326] - Make use of C++11 atomics
[MESOS-3329] - Unused hashmap::existsValue functions have incomplete code paths
[MESOS-3411] - ReservationEndpointsTest.AvailableResources appears to be faulty
[MESOS-3428] - Support running filesystem isolation with Command Executor in MesosContainerizer
[MESOS-3470] - UserCgroupIsolatorTest failed on CentOS 6.6
[MESOS-3501] - configure cannot find libevent headers in CentOS 6
[MESOS-3506] - Build instructions for CentOS 6.6 should include `sudo yum update`
[MESOS-3517] - Building mesos from source fails when OS language is not English
[MESOS-3519] - Fix file descriptor leakage / double close in the code base
[MESOS-3522] - MesosScheduler declineOffer results in an acceptOffer
[MESOS-3553] - LIBPROCESS_IP not passed when executor's environment is specified
[MESOS-3560] - JSON-based credential files do not work correctly
[MESOS-3563] - Revocable task CPU shows as zero in /state.json
[MESOS-3569] - Typos in Mesos Monitoring doc page
[MESOS-3584] - rename libprocess tests to "libprocess-tests"
[MESOS-3591] - mesos-slave: --help output for "--master" is incomplete
[MESOS-3594] - Rename http_api_tests.cpp to scheduler_http_api_tests.cpp
[MESOS-3597] - Running tests with CMake are annoying and have a bad reporting story.
[MESOS-3600] - unable to build with non-default protobuf
[MESOS-3602] - hdfs du fails due to prepended / on path
[MESOS-3603] - Test build failure due to comparison between signed and unsigned integers
[MESOS-3604] - ExamplesTest.PersistentVolumeFramework does not work in OS X El Capitan
[MESOS-3605] - hdfs.du() fails on os x due to lack of native-hadoop library.
[MESOS-3694] - Enable building mesos.apache.org locally in a Docker container.
[MESOS-3698] - JSON parsing allows non-whitespace trailing characters
[MESOS-3700] - Deprecate resource_monitoring_interval flag
[MESOS-3708] - improve process::subprocess ABORT message
[MESOS-3715] - Enable Request resource using Call::REQUEST in scheduler driver
[MESOS-3716] - Update Allocator interface to support quota
[MESOS-3728] - Libprocess: Flaky behavior on test suite when finalizing.
[MESOS-3733] - ContentType/SchedulerTest.Suppress/0 is flaky
[MESOS-3734] - Incorrect sed syntax for Mac OSX
[MESOS-3738] - Mesos health check is invoked incorrectly when Mesos slave is within the docker container
[MESOS-3743] - Provide diagnostic output in agent log when fetching fails
[MESOS-3748] - HTTP scheduler library does not gracefully parse invalid resource identifiers
[MESOS-3751] - MESOS_NATIVE_JAVA_LIBRARY not set on MesosContainerize tasks with --executor_environmnent_variables
[MESOS-3769] - Agent logs are misleading during agent shutdown
[MESOS-3770] - SlaveRecoveryTest/0.RecoverCompletedExecutor is flaky
[MESOS-3771] - Mesos JSON API creates invalid JSON due to lack of binary data / non-ASCII handling
[MESOS-3793] - Cannot start mesos local on a Debian GNU/Linux 8 docker machine
[MESOS-3800] - Containerizer attempts to create Linux launcher by default
[MESOS-3806] - 'mount --make-rslave /' does not work as expected on ubuntu 14.04
[MESOS-3809] - Expose advertise_ip and advertise_port as command line options in mesos slave
[MESOS-3810] - Must be able to use NetworkInfo with mesos-executor
[MESOS-3822] - Cannot specify multiple masters when slave start up
[MESOS-3834] - slave upgrade framework checkpoint incompatibility
[MESOS-3837] - Rootfs in provisioner test doesn't handle symlink directories properly
[MESOS-3840] - Build broken: 'adding 'bool' to a string does not append to the string' in filesystem tests
[MESOS-3847] - Root tests for LinuxFilesystemIsolatorTest are broken
[MESOS-3849] - Corrected style in Makefiles
[MESOS-3937] - Test DockerContainerizerTest.ROOT_DOCKER_Launch_Executor fails.
[MESOS-3953] - DockerTest.ROOT_DOCKER_CheckPortResource fails.
[MESOS-3964] - LimitedCpuIsolatorTest.ROOT_CGROUPS_Cfs and LimitedCpuIsolatorTest.ROOT_CGROUPS_Cfs_Big_Quota fail on Debian 8.
[MESOS-3966] - LinuxFilesystemIsolatorTest.ROOT_ImageInVolumeWithRootFilesystem fails on Centos 7.1
[MESOS-3969] - Failing 'make distcheck' on Debian 8, somehow SSL-related.
[MESOS-3974] - CgroupsAnyHierarchyMemoryPressureTest tests fail on CentOS 6.7.
[MESOS-3975] - SSL build of mesos causes flaky testsuite.
[MESOS-3989] - Add missing DiscoveryInfo field to v1/mesos.proto
[MESOS-4106] - The health checker may fail to inform the executor to kill an unhealthy task after max_consecutive_failures.
[MESOS-2783] - document the fetcher
[MESOS-3692] - Clarify error message 'could not chown work directory'
[MESOS-3749] - Configuration docs are missing --enable-libevent and --enable-ssl
[MESOS-3752] - CentOS 6 dependency install fails at Maven
[MESOS-3905] - Five new docker-related slave flags are not covered by the configuration documentation.
[MESOS-354] - Oversubscribe resources
[MESOS-2271] - Improve metrics exposed by containers
[MESOS-1841] - Mesos components should expose their version on an endpoint.
[MESOS-2035] - Add reason to containerizer proto Termination
[MESOS-2273] - Add "tests" target to Makefile for building-but-not-running tests.
[MESOS-2467] - Allow --resources flag to take JSON.
[MESOS-2613] - Change docker rm command
[MESOS-2924] - Allow simple construction via initializer list on hashset.
[MESOS-2935] - Fetcher doesn't extract from .tar files
[MESOS-2960] - Configure DiscoveryInfo and Visibility per port
[MESOS-2972] - Serialize Docker image spec as protobuf
[MESOS-3099] - Validation of Docker Image Manifests from Docker Registry
[MESOS-3366] - Allow resources/attributes discovery
[MESOS-3417] - Log source address replicated log recieved broadcasts
[MESOS-3429] - Allow HTTP response codes in libprocess to be matched
[MESOS-3468] - Improve apply_reviews.sh script to apply chain of reviews
[MESOS-3554] - Allocator changes trigger large re-compiles
[MESOS-3566] - Add a section to the Scheduler HTTP API docs around RecordIO specification
[MESOS-3721] - We need the active flag on frameworks in the /state-summary endpoint
[MESOS-3735] - Mesos master should expose the version of registered agents
[MESOS-3759] - Document messages.proto
[MESOS-3788] - Clarify NetworkInfo semantics for IP addresses and group policies.
[MESOS-3819] - Add documentation explaining "roles"
[MESOS-4015] - Expose task / executor health in master & slave state.json