Jetty 9.3.1.v20150714 发布,支持 HTTP/2
Jetty 9.3.1.v20150714 发布,这是 9.3.x 维护版本,支持HTTP/2,更新内容如下:
+ 441020 Support HEADERS followed by CONTINUATION+.
+ 460671 Rationalize property names (fix for
+ 462346 Change classesPattern to scanClassesPattern and testClassesPattern to
scanTestClassesPattern to clarify purpose -
+ 464294 AsyncNCSARequestLog blocks JVM exit after failure
+ 464741 HttpFields declares IllegalArgumentException as checked exception
+ 464745 Remove @org.apache.xbean.XBean references
+ 469384 Improved javadoc for ClasspathPattern
+ 470184 Send the proxy-to-server request more lazily.
+ 470327 Problem with scope provided dependencies with jspc plugin
+ 470505 jetty-maven-plugin JettyWebAppContext#setQuickStartWebDescriptor
should accept a Maven-friendly type -
+ 470664 Handle multiple RequestLogHandler in chain
+ 470727 Thread Starvation of selector wakeups.
+ 470803 If a webapp is not fully started do not fully stop it
+ 470855 Only log warning for duplicate path mappings to same servlet in same
descriptor -
+ 470963 Update jetty-maven-plugin mojo annotations for maven 3
+ 471071 jetty-infinispan.xml incorrect syntax for remote named cache
+ 471076 Apache jspc ignores empty list of files to precompile and scans
anyway -
+ 471251 Improved debugging on async timeout
+ 471272 ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException in
org.eclipse.jetty.quickstart.PreconfigureQuickStartWar -
+ 471388 StringIndexOutOfBoundsException when using <c:url> with parameters
+ 471464 Parsing issues with HttpURI
+ 471604 Extend CrossOriginFilter to provide a Timing-Allow-Origin header
+ 471623 Update to apache jsp 8.0.23 Use 8.0.23.M1 for jetty version of apache
jsp 8.0.23 -
+ 471985 NPE in HttpFields.putField
+ 472310 Improved logging when no supported included ciphers
+ 472411 PathResource.checkAliasPath typo
+ 472422 Custom status codes result in a NumberFormatException while using http2.
Jetty 是一个开源的servlet容器,它为基于Java的web内容,例如JSP和servlet提供运行环境。Jetty是使用Java语言编写的,它的 API以一组JAR包的形式发布。开发人员可以将Jetty容器实例化成一个对象,可以迅速为一些独立运行(stand-alone)的Java应用提供 网络和web连接。