OLPC OS 13.2.0 发布,Fedora Core的一份高度定制的版本

jopen 12年前

OLPC OS 13.2.0 发布,
Daniel Drake has announced the release of OLPC OS 13.2.0, a Fedora-based Linux distribution developed under the initiative of the One Laptop Per Child (OLPC) project to provide children in developing countries with low-cost laptops:

" We're pleased to announce the release of OLPC OS 13.2.0 for XO-1, XO-1.5, XO-1.75 and XO-4. OLPC OS 13.2.0 is a new software release focusing on cleaning up a few edges from our previous release, and finishing off support for the new XO-4 laptop. Features: XO-4 power management is now stable and enabled by default; Bluetooth support as a purchase option; in the Clock activity, you can now use the touchscreen to drag the clock hands to another time, a useful exercise for learning about time; drop-down lists are sub-optimal for touch, they have been replaced by more intuitive and touch-friendly UI elements in Record; the pinch-to-zoom touch gestures in Image Viewer behave much better than before...."

Read the release announcement and release notes for more details
 Download: 32013o0.img (721MB, MD5).

One Laptop Per Child(OLPC)是为发展中国家儿童提供低成本并预装了操作系统和应用软件的笔记本电脑的一项初步行动。其中的操作系统是一份基于Linux的解决方案,它是Fedora Core的一份高度定制的版本,包括一份称为Sugar的特别图形用户界面。在这些应用软件中,系统包含了一个基于Xulrunner的网页浏览器,一份基于Evince的简便文件察看器,AbiWord字处理软件,一份RSS阅读器,电子邮件、聊天和VOIP客户端,一份多媒体制作和播放环境,一套音乐创作工具集,图形软件工具包,游戏,命令行解释器,以及一份程序调试器。