程序员笔记 CherryTree 0.35.8 发布
- rich text (foreground color, background color, bold, italic, underline, strikethrough, small, h1, h2, h3, subscript, superscript, monospace)
- syntax highlighting supporting several programming languages
- images handling: insertion in the text, edit (resize/rotate), save as png file
- embedded files handling: insertion in the text, save to disk
- lists handling (bulleted, numbered, to-do and switch between them, multiline with shift+enter)
- simple tables handling (cells with plain text), cut/copy/paste row, import/export as csv file
- codeboxes handling: boxes of plain text (optionally with syntax highlighting) into rich text, import/export as text file
- alignment of text, images, tables and codeboxes (left/center/right)
- hyperlinks associated to text and images (links to webpages, links to nodes/nodes + anchors, links to files, links to folders)
- spell check (using pygtkspellcheck and pyenchant)
- intra application copy/paste: supported single images, single codeboxes, single tables and a compound selection of rich text, images, codeboxes and tables
- cross application copy/paste (tested with libreoffice and gmail): supported single images, single codeboxes, single tables and a compound selection of rich text, images, codeboxes and tables
- copying a list of files from the file manager and pasting in cherrytree will create a list of links to files, images are recognized and inserted in the text
- print & save as pdf file of a selection / node / node and subnodes / the whole tree
- export to html of a selection / node / node and subnodes / the whole tree
- export to plain text of a selection / node / node and subnodes / the whole tree
- toc generation for a node / node and subnodes / the whole tree, based on headers h1, h2 and h3
- find a node, find in selected node, find in selected node and subnodes, find in all nodes
- replace in nodes names, replace in selected node, replace in selected node and subnodes, replace in all nodes
- iteration of the latest find, iteration of the latest replace, iteration of the latest applied text formatting
- import from html file, import from folder of html files
- import from plain text file, import from folder of plain text files
- import from basket, cherrytree, epim html, gnote, keepnote, keynote, knowit, mempad, notecase, tomboy, treepad lite, tuxcards, zim
- export to cherrytree file of a selection / node / node and subnodes / the whole tree
- password protection (using http://www.7-zip.org/) – NOTE: while a cherrytree password protected document is opened, an unprotected copy is extracted to a temporary folder of the filesystem; this copy is removed when you close cherrytree
- tree nodes drag and drop
protected documents: better checks at extraction time to cope with 7zip extracting zero size files after a wrong password
• protected documents bugfix: windows 7za.exe wrong path detected causing wrong password error
• import from plain text file in WIN_OS allow user to select an extension different than txt (in linux any text file is automatically detected)
• changed behaviour of HOME and END key presses in text: at first press move the cursor to start or end of the line, at second go to smart start or end (start or end excluding spaces)
• dialog tablecolumnhandle: change active radiobutton with Tab and auto focus to text entry
• added support for Scala programming language (from gtksourceview-3.0/language-specs)
• bugfix in import from html and notecase and nested span tags
• bugfix: changing a node syntax highlighting from code to plain text and vice versa did not update the font
• bugfix: if a node has the read only property set, do not let the user change the node type
• bugfix: after changing node type from rich to non rich text, the undo removes all text
• bugfix: preferences dialog, the timestamp format help button was linked to a web page listing options not implemented in the python version; now the link goes to the exact python implementation。