Pinguy OS 13.04 Alpha 发布,面向Linux新手

jopen 12年前

Pinguy OS是基于Ubuntu的发行,它面向Linux新手。它的特色在于大量的用户友好性增强,对多媒体编码解码器和浏览器插件开箱即用的支持,一份显著改造过并带有增强菜单、面板和浮动工具条的GNOME用户界面, 以及面向很多公共计算任务的一套精心选择的流行桌面应用软件。
 Pinguy OS 13.04 Alpha 发布,面向Linux新手
Antoni Norman has released an initial alpha build of Pinguy OS 13.04, an Ubuntu-based distribution with a customised GNOME 3.8 desktop: " Pinguy OS is still being activity worked on. There has been a release for 12.10 and a 13.04 release is being worked on at the moment. If you want to keep up to date with the development of Pinguy OS it's best to follow the Information thread on the forum. This blog will be mainly for news on the LTS releases. I have decided to keep the 6-month releases as betas/snapshots of what the LTS will become. The 6-month releases will be using bleeding edge software that hasn't been fully tested. For an example the 13.04 release is using Gnome Shell 3.8.1 (something that isn't included in Ubuntu 13.04 by default). The 6-month Pinguy OS releases will be missing features that will be in the final LTS, but the release will be very usable." See this brief blog post for more information. Download: Pinguy_OS_13.04-Alpha_i686.iso (2,312MB, MD5).
Pinguy OS 13.04 Alpha 发布,面向Linux新手