Java 微服务框架,Microserver v0.62 发布
Microserver 是一个零配置、基于标准的身经百战的库,用来运行 Java REST 微服务,通过 Java 标准 main 类执行。从 2014 年开始就一直在 AOL 生产环境中使用。
Microserver v0.62 发布,该版本改进如下:
micro-reactive - reactive programming via Pipes (Queues & Topics) and Asyncrhonous Streams.
micro-events - capture scheduled jobs / active requests
micro-data - Spring Data, Hibernate and JDBC
micro-metrics - Dropwizard metrics for Spring
micro-client - Async Rest Clients (NIO & Thread based)
micro-grizzly - Grizzly Web server
micro-jersey - Jersey jax-rs implementation
micro-guava - Guava support (Jackson & Event bus configuration)
Reactive Microserver first phase, with Reactive mixin that makes it easy to create performance optimised simple-react Streams
simple-react version upgraded to 0.98
Grizzly upgraded to version 2.3.21
Jersey upgraded to version 2.19