15 Exceptional Angularjs Web Development Tools for Developers

leenajose 10年前
AngularJS has become the choice of framework for the most of the web developers who aspire to design a web application in a dynamic manner. In case, if any angularjs developer is going to start on an AngularJS project, they may be in need of numerous tools to develop your website in a full-fledged manner.

To ease the burden of developing the web application with AngularJS, here are some 15 awesome tools for testing, front-end development, IDE editor, text editor, elite libraries, extensions, modules, code generator, Grid tools, to name a few.

Exclusive Testing tools for AngularJS


When Protractor, an end-to-end test framework, clubbed with AngularJS, it avails a fully automated testing in a lifestyle manner. It tests your application by running it in a real browser. It works with the great technologies like WebDriver, Mocha, jasmine, Node.js, selenium, and cucumber.

It automatically communicates with the AngularJS application, once all the pending tasks of the web pages are completed. So, you don’t need to use a wait or sleep command for your testing.


Jasmine is a Behavior Driven Development framework, which is specially created for JavaScript users. It basically gives functions to structure your testing and also maintain it till the end. Any kind of testing can be accomplished with a single all-in-one package, which is the major advantage of using Jasmine for testing your application in a streamlined manner.

One single disadvantage in this framework is that it does not know on which platform (browser) it is running. This can be easily eliminated when it works hand-in-hand with Karma.

Karma is a test runner when combined with Jasmine, a test framework, helps to test the application effectively.

Front-end development tool of AngularJS

Code orchestra

It is an absolute front-end development tool which helps to build and test your web application. You can write code in the real-time, COLT alters the code by providing suggestion and save the code written in the same format. The edited code will be automatically reflected on the working application with the help of this tool.

Most needed Integrated development environment (IDE) editor tools


Webstorm is an excellent code editor which completely understands the project and provide a high-quality coding for any kinds of website creation. It gives support to all modern and latest technologies for web development. Every web development which uses this IDE tool, it integrates well with every single detail and streamlines the workflow of website creation.


Aptana is an integrated development environment which helps to create a web application in an agile manner. For using this IDE editor tool in AngularJS, you need to activate AngularJS Eclipse extension from the Eclipse marketplace.

Lightweight Text editors of AngularJS

Sublime text

The handy text editor tool for the AngularJS web developers is Sublime. It helps to reach the destination point in the coding sections with shortcuts or a few keystrokes. It is highly adaptable and customizable for any kind of programming environment. It also helps to split the editing as per your inclination. Switch between the projects with ease, all its modifications will be saved automatically in the respective projects.


For all the front-end developers of the HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, CodePen is the perfect editor tool. This tool minimizes the work of tedious web development process of creating, testing and perfecting front end of the website. It is a collaborative live code environment.

Web developers can take a live view on the cross platform eminently. It has in browser code editor which automatically uploads multiple files quickly. This aspect assists the web developers to create a new pen of coding in a few seconds.

The best libraries in AngularJS

Angular Fire

Creating back-end of your AngularJS application has become very easy with the help of the AngularFire. AngularJS binding for Firebase is formally supported by AngularFire. Firebase is a cloud-based platform that can be easily integrated with the real-time application and create back-end quickly.

When the Firebase and AngularFire are combined, it is helpful to synchronize the data at a faster pace and provide excellent user management services. It also renders a three-way data binding, user authentication, and static hosting.


AngularJS is very famous for creating the single-page applications effectively. For creating those applications, we need a routing facility. This excellent AngularJS framework is built with a comprehensive UI component which is popularly known as ui-router. It helps to give an easy navigation and also change the view according to the state of the application and not just based out of route URL.

There are many more UI components in AngularUI, which uses raw directives like ui - maps, ui-calendar, and ui-Bootstrap. These UI components and directives can build your Angular website even faster.

UI Bootstrap

UI Bootstrap is an extraordinary AngularUI component that helps to create easy to use and comprehensible web applications for the smartphones. This UI component gives you a full power of 推ter bootstrap with native directives of AngularJS.

Extension of AngularJS


Create an inspection control pane to develop, debug and understand the AngularJS application with the complete assistance of ng-inspector extension tool. It is an outstanding browser extension for Firefox, Chrome, and Safari.

It easily interacts with your application and updates every real-time action in your application. It also sees the whole scope hierarchy, its models, types, and values. This tool also shows the highlighted DOM nodes when pointing to the respective scopes.

AngularJS Batarang

Debug your AngularJS application with the AngularJS Batarang, which is specially created for the Chrome extension. It assists you to improve your application performance. It also measures the progress of the application when tuning the performance.

Exclusive AngularJS modules


An exclusive AngularJS service is Restangular, which helps you to easily deal with the different kinds of requests like get, post, delete, and put the data from the database. It is ideal for all AngularJS applications that largely consumes data from RESTful API.

Generator Angular- A useful tool

Yeomen generator

You can easily start-up a project with sensible defaults and best practices. To establish such Angular application, the Yeomen generator tool is very helpful. It quickens the AngularJS application development process with just a few terminal commands. This tool is useful to

This exclusive generator will scaffold the application to know information about the project and helps in developing and testing the application.

A spectacular AngularJS Grid tool

Angular Deckgrid

Angular Deckgrid gives a high responsive and elite look to your application, which can adapt to the different portable devices. This Lightweight masonry-like grid is also helpful to create a flexible grid for showcasing the photos in an efficient manner.

To wind up, these are the most useful tools for creating any kinds of AngularJS web applications with ease. Make use of these tools for creating your future AngularJS projects in an effective manner.

Visit this source Link: http://www.fromdev.com/2015/07/useful-angularjs-tools.html