开源 LDAP 服务器,ApacheDS 2.0.0-M6 发布
jopen 13年前
<a href="/misc/goto?guid=4958331219157500523" target="_blank"> <p><span><span style="color:#cc0033;">ApacheDS</span> (Apache Directory Server)的核心是目录服务,可以保存数据,并对不同类型的数据进行搜索操作。协议的实现在目录服务器顶层工作,提供与数据存储、搜索和检索有关的 Internet 服务。 <span style="color:#cc0033;">ApacheDS</span> 最重要的特性可能是利用不同协议公开目录服务的能力<strong>...</strong></span></p> </a> <p><a>ApacheDS </a>发布了 2.0 的第六个里程碑,目前稳定版的发布还没有时间计划,在此之前可能还有更多的里程碑版本。</p> <div id="p_fullcontent" class="detail"> 该版本主要改进内容: </div> <p>* [DIRSERVER-1644] - User provided value is not retained during rename operation<br /> * [DIRSERVER-1681] - adding entries with attribute userCertificate;binary fails with "No such attribute"<br /> * [DIRSERVER-1692] - Unable to add a JPEG image to an entry due to an 'Invalid Attribute Syntax' error<br /> * [DIRSERVER-1693] - Renaming an entry when the RDN uses a case insensitive AT should be possible<br /> * [DIRSERVER-1694] - Renaming an existing entry with a DN containing upper cased chars will not store the CN as provided<br /> * [DIRSERVER-1696] - Creation of an entry like cn=test1+cn=test2, ou=system should not be allowed<br /> * [DIRSERVER-1699] - DN/RDN handling is incorrect when there are some escaped values into them<br /> * [DIRSERVER-1700] - Version in Root DSE is reported as '${pom.version}'<br /> <br /> 下载地址:<br /> <a href="/misc/goto?guid=4958328492493594910" target="_blank">http://directory.apache.org/apacheds/2.0/downloads.html</a></p>