Kubuntu 13.10 Alpha 1 发布,用户友好的Linux发行

jopen 12年前

Kubuntu是免费的、用户友好的Linux发行,它基于KDE的桌面软件及出类拔萃的Ubuntu操作系统。它执行一年两次的发布周期,每个发布拥有 至少18个月的免费安全更新。除了在发布时提供一份最新版本的KDE桌面外,该项目还为每个发布在整个生命周期里供应更新的KDE软件包。
Kubuntu 13.10 Alpha 1 发布,用户友好的Linux发行 J
onathan Riddell has announced the availability of the first alpha build of Kubuntu 13.10, one of the four Ubuntu subprojects that have opted to release alpha images for public testing:
" Early adopters of 13.10 can try out Alpha 1, now available for download or upgrade from 13.04. Highlights: KDE Plasma and Applications 4.11 Beta 1 - this upgrade from KDE adds faster Nepomuk indexing, Kontact improvements, such as a new theme editor for e-mails and it prepares the ground for future developments using Wayland and Qt 5; Muon Discover - a friendly way to discover and install applications; includes the 3.9 Ubuntu Linux kernel which is based on the the upstream 3.9.7 Linux kernel, the 3.9 release contains improvements in power efficiency, as well as support for KVM virtualization on ARM.</span>"

See the full release notes for screenshots and known issues.
Download: saucy-desktop-amd64.iso (957MB, SHA256, torrent). Other alpha 1 testing images release today include Lubuntu ( download, release notes), Ubuntu GNOME ( download, release notes) and UbuntuKylin ( download, release notes).
Kubuntu 13.10 Alpha 1 发布,用户友好的Linux发行