Lazy Mofo PHP MySQL Datagrid 2013-06-30 发布

jopen 12年前

Lazy Mofo Datagrid是一个数据表格,采用PHP+MySQL开发。能够从SQL语句或数据表格生成Datagrid,该Datagrid支持文件上传和图像剪裁,分页,搜索,CSV导出和内联编辑。非常适用于大型数据集。

发布说明: date_in() was fixed for d/m/Y. This release added new vars for editing buttons on forms, a delete button for the form, a success message for delete actions, and a grid_default_order_by option for specifying sort order when not specifing grid_sql. The Back/Cancel button now highlights the last viewed record on the grid. CSV export was fixed