开源项目管理和缺陷跟踪系统,Redmine 2.6.1 发布
jopen 10年前
Redmine 是一个开源的、基于Web的项目管理和缺陷跟踪工具。它用日历和甘特图辅助项目及进度可视化显示。同时它又支持多项目管理。Redmine是一个自由开放 源码软件解决方案,它提供集成的项目管理功能,问题跟踪,并为多个版本控制选项的支持。
虽 说像IBM Rational Team Concert的商业项目调查工具已经很强大了,但想坚持一个自由和开放源码的解决方案,可能会发现Redmine是一个有用的Scrum和敏捷的选择。 由于Redmine的设计受到Rrac的较大影响,所以它们的软件包有很多相似的特征。
Redmine建立在Ruby on Rails的框架之上,支持跨平台和多种数据库。。
Redmine 2.6.1 包括大量的修复和一些翻译更新,详细更新内容请看:
2.6.1 (2015-01-11)
- Defect #13608: Parent column in CSV export should include issue id only
- Defect #13673: Parent issue column includes issue subject (making issue list unworkable wide)
- Defect #14699: Cannot change "From" header in email notifications
- Defect #17744: Disabling fields in tracker keeps attached workflow permissions
- Defect #18060: Selected projects in email notifications on "my account" are lost when the page is redisplayed after a validation error
- Defect #18176: PDF: long text is corrupt
- Defect #18269: Timelog CSV export missing tracker name and issue name
- Defect #18280: closed_on missing when closed status of issue status changed
- Defect #18349: URL not rendered as a link when followed by a line break and another URL
- Defect #18464: Use of PRE tag in Issue description results in wrapped text with latest Google Chrome
- Defect #18499: Localisation not set correctly on authenticity token errors
- Defect #18501: Textile bold highlighting problem
- Defect #18629: PDF Export removes separating space after tables
- Defect #18665: Internal Server Error when adding user to group where he is already assigned
- Defect #18667: Attachment content type not set when uploading attachment
- Defect #18685: Plugin migration confuses two plugins with similar names
- Defect #18734: Select / case is missing a break in application.js
- Defect #18769: Reordering roles, trackers or statuses always redirects to the first page
- Defect #18777: Moving column to top of "Select Columns" results in loss of all other column selections
- Feature #8817: Attachments/Plugin assets directory writable errors
- Patch #17705: MailHandler should ignore bogus issue strings [some-string#1234] in subject
- Patch #18051: Cancel button on issue edit view
- Patch #18156: Spanish translation file
- Patch #18157: German translation
- Patch #18252: Japanese wiki_syntax_detailed.html translation update
- Patch #18357: Improvement of column selection: allow to move multiple columns in selection list
- Patch #18410: Spent hours should be cleared on #reload
- Patch #18534: Galician (gl) translation for 2.6-stable
- Patch #18587: Swedish translation (updated)
- Patch #18782: Fix ui tests broken by undefined method error
- Patch #18789: UI tests and capybara version