Spdylay 1.0.0 发布 - Google SPDY协议的 C 实现

jopen 12年前

这是Google's SPDY协议的一个C语言试验性实现。该库提供了SPDY协议2和3版本成的帧层实现。它不执行任何I / O操作。库需要他们时,它会调用回调函数由应用程序提供。它也没有包括任何事件轮询机制,使应用程序可以自由选择的方式处理事件。这个库的代码不依赖于任何特定的SSL库。

发布日志: This release adds several enhancements to the spdyct and shrpx and strict checks for name/value pairs. It fixes a bug where the server cannot push the stream against a server initiated stream ID. The internal priority management mechanism is updated so that outbound DATA frames with a variety of SPDY priority can interleave more frequently and don't let the low priority streams starve. The development is very stable now, this release has been made 1.0.0。
