Web 短信平台,playSMS 0.9.7 发布

jopen 12年前
   <p><a href="/misc/goto?guid=4958523529434830938" target="_blank">PlaySMS </a>是一个灵活的基于web的短信平台,可连接短信网关、个人信息系统以及企业的群组通讯工具等。</p>    <p>在线演示:<a href="/misc/goto?guid=4958523529539181598" target="_blank">http://playsms.org/trial/</a> (admin/donotchangeme)。<br /> <br /> playSMS 0.9.7 发布,该版本增加了待发送短信队列,支持将接收到的短信直接发送到插件,修复了队列相关的 bug,新增用于根据 SMS 命令来触发指定的响应内容。该版本有以下亮点:</p>    <div>     <ul>      <li>All SMS submitted from web UI, webservices or plugins are queued in database first and then processed by external daemon application. I believe this improvement will solve issues related to bulk SMS sending, like sending an SMS to 5000 contacts from web at one time.</li>      <li>Raw incoming SMS text now can be accessed by plugins, as it is brought to hooks from function setsmsincomingaction. This function is the central function, the gate to playSMS, in receiving SMS.</li>      <li>Issues related to quote or single quote, or addslahes() and stripslashes() have been fixed. playSMS also now assumed that PHP magic_quotes_gpc option is set to Off, which is recommended.</li>      <li>Using smstools3 is as good as using Kannel, playSMS now able to get the status report of Delivered when using gateway module smstools. playSMS also make copies of raw smstools3 files for other external application or simply for later readings, like for debugging.</li>      <li>Kannel gateway module equipped with a simple text editor to edit kannel.conf, and a restart button for Kannel. This makes certain admin jobs easier.</li>      <li>Character counter in web UI and also in simplerate has been fixed. This counter took care of unicode or not, multi-part SMS or single SMS correctly.</li>      <li>Easier coding for scripts used with playSMS plugin SMS command and SMS custom. playSMS will capture the response of a script executed by SMS command or a URL accessed by SMS custom, and then directly send the response as reply to original sender.</li>     </ul>    </div>    <p><img alt="Web 短信平台,playSMS 0.9.7 发布" src="https://simg.open-open.com/show/1f717f2924c346cb211bebbe651427be.png" width="500" height="334" /></p>