PC-BSD 10.0-RC2 发布,份基于FreeBSD的桌面操作系统
Dru Lavigne has announced the availability of the second release candidate for PC-BSD 10.0, a FreeBSD-based operating system optimised for desktop use: " The first PC-BSD 10.0-RELEASE image, based upon FreeBSD 10.0-RC2, is now available for download. This image is still a pre-release version of the upcoming 10.0-RELEASE. There is a known issue with VirtualBox not yet working. Online updating to 10.0-RELEASE is not yet enabled, but will be for the next test revision based upon FreeBSD 10.0-RC3. Notable features: updated KMS and AMD driver support; ISO file is a hybrid USB file, and can be dd-ed to a USB media; new text-based installer; new UEFI loader on installation media; able to select between GRUB/BSD loaders during installation; new desktops - GNOME 3, MATE (replaces GNOME 2) and Cinnamon." Here is the brief release announcement. Download from here: PCBSD10.0-RELEASE-p1-x64-DVD-USB.iso (3,682MB, SHA256).