YUI 3.5.0 PR4 发布
fmms 13年前
<p>YUI 3.5.0 Preview Release 4 是 YUI 3.5.0 版本的最后一个测试版本,正式版将于四月中旬发布。</p> <p>下载地址:<a href="/misc/goto?guid=4958334073375804946">http://yui.zenfs.com/releases/yui3/yui_3.5.0pr4.zip</a></p> <p>该版本主要改进记录:</p> <ul> <li>The old (3.4.1) <strong>Uploader</strong> and <strong>DataTable</strong> modules have been deprecated in lieu of new replacements and are now available as <strong>uploader-deprecated</strong> and <strong>datatable-*-deprecated</strong>, respectively.</li> <li><strong>Button</strong> underwent a significant refactoring. Please take a moment to check out the new API and file any issues in our <a href="/misc/goto?guid=4958334074168000394">bug tracking system</a>.</li> <li><strong>WidgetButtons</strong>, which adds support for buttons in a <strong>Panel</strong> has been significantly improved.</li> <li>A new event submodule, <strong>event-contextmenu</strong> has been introduced.</li> <li><strong>Calendar</strong> has been made keyboard-navigable and accessible, and calendar navigation now supports disabled button states.</li> <li><strong>Uploader</strong>'s queue management has been refined, and <strong>UploaderFlash</strong> now supports keyboard navigation.</li> <li><strong>App.Transitions</strong> has added cross-fade and slide transitions to <strong>Y.App</strong>s.</li> <li><strong>Y.Handlebars</strong> has been fully and thoroughly documented.</li> </ul>