35 个最好的 JavaScript 资源与工具
35. Admin.js
34. Roughdraft.js
33. Midway
If you have responsive elements on your website and you want to center them out, this particular plugin will automatically do it for you.
32. Packery
This is a JS layout library and it utilizes bin-packing algorithm. You can use this to create clever and crazy layouts.
31. Together.js
This is an open-source and a free JS library made by Mozilla. It adds collaboration tools to your website.
30. Perimeter.js
This particular tool will create an invisible parameter around an element allowing you to monitor breach by mouse cursors.
29. Angles
This is a set of directives and you can use this to wrap chart.js library for use with angular.
28. HTML.js
If you enjoy working directly with DOM, HTML.js will let you do just that.
27. Popcorn-js
This is a media framework based on HTML5. It is written in JavaScript for filmmakers and web developers – basically anyone who wishes to create time-based media on the internet.
26. Javascript Regular Expression Validator
This particular tools is a regular expression validator based on the web. It will easily you write and test regular expressions for JavaScript.
25. Html Inspector
If you are looking to test the quality of your code and help you and your time write better markup, this is the tool for you. It runs in the browser.
24. Annyang
This particular tool will let the visitors to your website control it by voice command.
23. Highlightjs
As the name suggest, this allow you to highlight syntax on the web.
22. Favico.js
Use this tool to make use of your favicon with badges, videos, or images.
21. Raw
This is the missing link between vector graphics and spreadsheets, bound to prove quite useful.
20. RulersGuides.js
Strictly for measurement purposes – you can use it to create Photoshop like guidelines and rulers on a website.
19. Instano.js
You can use this tool to detect if JavaScript is disabled on a particular page after it is done loading. You will be notified instantly in either case.
18. Medium Editor
This is a clone for WYSIWYG editor.
17. Chartjs
This particular tool is easy to use and object oriented. It will allow you to create graphs – works well for both designers and developers.
16. Sir Trevor js
This tool allows you to innovatively edit rich content on the internet. It will not have presumptions regarding how a specific element is rendered.
15. Gif.js
This will run in your browser. It is JavaScript GIF encoder and is fully featured.
14. Skeuocard
This particular tool provides skeumorphic interface and progressively enhances credit card inputs.
13. Wide Area
Wide Area is a CSS and JavaScript library. It is very simple at lightweight (max. 4KB). It will allow you to write better and faster.
12. Slickspeed
For a framework to run, it has its own iFrame. This allows for no conflicts between different frameworks.
11. Emberjs
If you are looking to create ambitious web applications, this is the framework for you.
10. Reveal.js
Make amazing presentations with HTML5. It is also very easy to use.
9. -Breezejs
It provides rich data for JavaScript applications.
8. Resumablejs
This is a JavaScript library which allows for uploads via the HTML5 File API. You can make simultaneous uploads and resume them at will too. The tool is very stable.
7. Parallax
This particular tool will react to the orientation of a smart device. It uses position of the cursors in order to do so, so it works even without the presence of a gyroscope etc.
6. Knockoutjs
You can use this to simplify dynamic JavaScript User Interfaces with the help of Model-View-View-Model.
5. Leafletjs
If you are looking for mobile-friendly maps that are interactive, this is the open-source JavaScript library for you.
In order for you to build semantic templates easily and effectively, you need Handlebars.js. It shall provide you with the necessary power.
This is a user-friendly Regex Generator. It does not work flawlessly on Internet Explorer. The groups are limited to only 7. There is no support for negative character classes. But it still is better than nothing and quite useful.
2. JS Bin
This is the ultimate CSS, HTML, and JavaScript playground. If you want to experiment around and learn with your friends (which is fun and better), you may want to give this tool a try.
1. JSLint
This is the code quality testing tool for JavaScript.