Spring Tool Suite 3.7.1 发布
jopen 9年前
SpringSource Tool Suite 基于 Spring IDE ,提供了其它的一些特性,如 基于Spring dm Server 的osgi 开发,及其它一些 Spring 项目的支持,如Spring Roo, Spring Batch等。
updated to Eclipse Mars.1 (4.5.1), including a number of fixes for JDT and m2e
updated to Pivotal tc Server 3.1.2
various improvements to the Spring Boot YML properties editor
improvements to the Spring Boot Starter wizard
new support for Spring Boot Devtools, including ability to attach Java debugger to CF deployed apps.
the new spring boot dashboard, currently in beta, but definitely the highlight of this release
Spring Tool Suite: https://spring.io/tools/sts/all