ProCSSor – Advanced CSS Prettifier
It will allow you to format CSS in whatever way you would want to. With the help of ProC S Sor, you can transform your CSS into something that is visually a lot better and this won’t require a lot of effort from your side too. It is easy to use and delivers great results.
With this tool, you can easily grab the recent and newest versions of the script tag for your JavaScript library.
This tool will allow you to create HTML tables from a spreadsheet data quickly and instantly. You will love the fact that it is too quick.
If you are looking to create CSS sprites instantly, SpritePad is perfect for you. All you need to do is drag and then drop your images and they will be instantly available as one PNG sprite + CSS code. It will free you from fiddling in photoshop, and you will not have to go through manual assignment of CSS styles, so less hassle.
As the name suggests, this particular tool will allow to run almost any browser quickly from the web. You will run the browser in a remotely environment.
If you are looking for a great and convenient way to evaluate a web page then SpurApp is perfect for you.
As the name suggests, loads.in will let you know how fast your web page is loaded. You will be able to collect this information for all real browsers for 50 different locations worldwide.
HTML5 Test
HTML5 test will allow you to find out if your browser supports any new or upcoming HTML5 specifications. Although, these specifications are not finalized as of now however, all major browsers are working hard to make sure they are ready to face the future. With HTML5 test, you can easily find out what features your browser currently supports and you can make a comparison with other browsers as well.
HTML Purifier
HTML purifier is basically a HTML filter library and is written in PHP. With the help of HTML purifier, you will be able to remove malicious code using secure permissive whitelist. It also ensures that your documents are standard compliant.
Frame Box
Framebox is a lightweight tool, which will help you in crafting and sharing mockups. Framebox is easy to use, fast indeed and also absolutely free.
CSS3 Click Chart by Impressive Webs
This tool will allow you to simplify your calculations i.e., you can easily calculate the width of elements. With this tool you can decide if you should or should not add padding, margins and other relevant stuff.
Google Hosted Libraries
This is basically a content distribution network for the most known and popular open source JavaScript libraries. With Google hosted libraries, you can access the ever growing list of open-source JavaScript libraries.
Bear CSS
With bear CSS, you can create a concrete stylesheet foundation. This stylesheet will be according to your markup.
I can easily say that Simpless is being used by hundreds and thousands of developers and theere are plenty of reasons. SimpLESS is an easy to use LESS CSS compiler. The best thing is that it is absolutely free for PC and MAC.
This is going to be a great graphic editor and it will be available in your browser.
If you have JavaScript, you will require a bookmarklet. This app will provide you with bookmarkleter.
JSlint is basically a quiality tool for JavaScript code.
I am a big fan of background images as they make a page look really good however, it slows down the speed. As a developer you must know that every image means an added HTTP request. The fix for this is combination of background images and CSS sprite. However, creating sprites is obviously a daunting task. So SpriteMe will take care of the hassle with a simple click.
Pingdom will test the loading time for your page. You can analyze it and find bottlenecks as well.