Tomcat企业版 Apache TomEE 1.5 发布
jopen 12年前
Apache TomEE 1.5 已经发布,Apache TomEE,该产品已通过Java EE 6 Web Profile认证,主要由Apache Tomcat、Apache OpenWebBeans、Apache MyFaces、Apache ActiveMQ、Apache OpenJPA和Apache CXF组成。最初被命名为Apache+OpenEJB,后来为了表达包含其他Java EE的组件实现,被重命名为Apache TomEE。
- TOMEE-243 HSQLDB 2.2.8
- TOMEE-431 Shrinkwrap Descriptor 2.0.0-alpha-3
- TOMEE-378 Quartz 2.1.6
- TOMEE-271 Tomcat 7.0.30
- TOMEE-365 OpenWebBeans 1.1.6
- TOMEE-426 ActiveMQ 5.6.0
- TOMEE-428 MyFaces 2.1.9
- TOMEE-215 CXF 2.6.2
- TOMEE-214 Arquillian 1.0.1
- OPENEJB-1894 karaf 2.2.9
- TOMEE-347 Allow switching datasource connection pool
- TOMEE-331 Optimized scanning via exclusions.list in WEB-INF allows
- TOMEE-266 Internal EJBs can be secured
- TOMEE-264 Filter APIs we already provide if they are in a webapp
- TOMEE-399 Expose Quartz through JMX
- TOMEE-259 Mojarra integration
- TOMEE-250 Element <Service> for declaring services generically in the tomee.xml
- TOMEE-386 Support for META-INF/ file and overriding
- TOMEE-387 Support for META-INF/ file and overriding
- TOMEE-280 Deploy-time JPA Enhancement
- TOMEE-187 New TomEE JAX-RS Distribution
- TOMEE-377 Configuration of CXF Bus
- TOMEE-421 JMX management of DataSources
- OPENEJB-1228 ShrinkWrap Deployment Support
- OPENEJB-1899 Mockito integration
体积:整个Web Profile仅有24MB。
内存使用:占用很少的内存,无需在默认情况下增加内存分配来通过TCK(TCK,Technology Compatibility Kit )测试。
由于它灵巧的体积以及良好的嵌入式性能使得Apache TomEE非常适合在云环境中运行,因为毕竟在云环境中运行的大部分应用都属于小型系统,只有很少一部分较大的实例运行。目前,Apache TomEE已经通过Apache EC2 t1.micro、mi.small以及m1.large的32位认证,预计在不远的将来会通过64位认证。
Apache TomEE 包含:
CDI - Apache OpenWebBeans
EJB - Apache OpenEJB
JPA - Apache OpenJPA
JSF - Apache MyFaces
JSP - Apache Tomcat
JSTL - Apache Tomcat
JTA - Apache Geronimo Transaction
Servlet - Apache Tomcat
Javamail - Apache Geronimo JavaMail
Bean Validation - Apache Bean Validation