12个最新免费的jQuery插件周报#9 (2015年3月)
1. Full-Screen Image Layer Viewer
Present projects or portfolio work using this light-weight full-screen image layer viewer.
2. Vertical Layout with Navigation
Vertically scrolling sections of content with a slick mobile hamburger navigation.
3. Full screen carousel Expose
4. jQuery comments
jquery-comments is a jQuery plugin for implementing an out-of-the-box commenting solution to any web application with an existing backend. It provides all the UI functionalities and ties them to callbacks that let you easily define what you want to do with the data. The library is highly customizable and very easy to integrate thanks to a wide variety of settings.
5. jQuery mresize
The plugin does not use any kind of timer(s) to detect size changes. It uses the resize event on (invincible) iframe(s) which makes it perform much better than other solutions which use timers to poll element size. The script detects size changes made from JS, CSS, animations etc. and it works on any element able to contain other elements (e.g. div, p, li etc.). To use it on other inline elements (e.g. images) you need to add a wrapper and call the event on it.
6. jQuery morris.js
Pretty time-series line graphs.
7. jQuery iScrubber
jQuery plugin that mimics iPhoto’s picture scrubbing feature.
8. jQuery html5 canvas panorama plugin
A tiny jQuery plugin that helps displaying panorama images.
9. jQuery odometer.js
A jQuery plugin that converts any html node containing number to odometer and counts to the number inside node on load.
10. jQuery FontAnim
This is part of a collection of JQuery plugins that animate text in various ways.
11. jQuery prompt21
A minimalist jQuery prompt plugin for the 21st Century.
12. Jquery getPath
jQueryGetPath is a simple jQuery extension to get the CSS Path of any element in the DOM as uniquely as possible.